10 Things You Might Not Know About Me

When Nicole, Thelma and Lisa asked me about interviewing me on their blog tour, I asked myself what I should do on my day.  A few weeks ago, Thelma had written a post on things that you might not know about her.  I thought that was a great idea.  You got to know a bit more about her.  I loved it! 

So, here goes, 10 things that you might not know about me:

1.  I love Old English Sheepdogs.  You probably already know this about me but the question is how did that come about?  When I was 5 years old, there was a local tv show that came to our school for interviews.  It was Valentines Day and they picked a boy and a girl for the interview.  They happened to pick me and one of the questions that they asked was: "What would you like most in the world?"  My answer was a dog.  They asked what kind of dog.  I said either an Old English Sheepdog or a St. Bernard.  Of course, they printed this in the paper the next day.  My dad is a retired teacher and at the time all the other teachers gave him such harassment for not getting me a dog.  This was the first time that I had ever mentioned that I wanted a dog, you know 5 year olds!  We looked for either one of those dogs and it was very hard to find at that time.  We finally found a 1 year old, Old English Sheepdog.  Her name was Chelsea and the owner needed to find a home for her.  We went to get her and the rest is history.  She was the most wonderful, sweetest dog that a child could ever have.  She used to walk to the school to visit us.  My dad taught at the school that I attended so she could visit me, my brother and my dad.  She was a great dog!

Picture of me when I was about 4 or 5.

2.  I am a huge Phoenix Suns fan (NBA).  This is how Carrie Nelson from Miss Rosie's Quilt Co and I became friends.  The first thing I asked her when I met her was did she like the Suns?  (She lives in the Phoenix area.)  She said yes and that was it, we were instant friends.
Steve Nash, our basketball hero.
Holly and I out for dinner before the game with our Steve Nash jerseys on. 

3.  I like to listen to hard rock music.  (I know, I don't look like I would but I do :) 

4.  I'm a girlie girl.  I love to wear makeup, do my hair, get my nails done and wear pink.  I don't like to dig in the garden and hate bugs.

 5.  I have a huge sweet tooth.  If I had a choice between sweets and salty, sweets all the way.  My favorite is home made apple pie but almost anything sweet will do!

6.  Fall is my favorite time of year.  It's sunny, cool and no more stifling heat.  I love to take the dogs for a walk and see all the beautiful colors. 

7.  I love to travel.  If I could afford it, I would go all the time.  I especially love England and Ireland.  The beautiful countryside and the friendly people make it such an appealing place.  There is inspiration everywhere, in the fields, the tile floors, the painted ceilings....awesome!
Woodstock Garden in Ireland
 Cliffs of Moher in Ireland.

8.  I'm a home-body.  I love to be home with my husband and dogs.  Yes, I love to travel but when I'm in town, I am always striving to get home.  I love to hang out, sew and be with my gang.

9.  I have a degree in Mathematics.  (no surprise, really)  When I graduated from college, I thought that I would hardly use my mathematics degree.  So wrong!  I use it all the time in quilting and I'm sure that is one of the reasons that I have designed rulers.

10. I'm superstitious.  I think it comes from my mom's side of the family.  My Nanny used to tell us when things were bad luck.  Dropping a glove and picking it up with the wrong hand, cutting your nails on Friday and Sunday, the number 13...  I know that it's crazy but I still watch those things. 

Don't forget to leave a comment and enter to win a copy of Fat Quarter Winners and a set of my rulers: Fit to be Square, Fit to be Geese and Mini Fit to be Geese.  Winners will be announced next week.

Thanks for stopping by and make sure that you go by Thelma's blog tomorrow.


Deb said…
The book looks fantastic! I've seen several pics of quilts in the book and already want to make several of them. I would love to win the book.

Deb S.
Anonymous said…
I am very excited to get my book - it should be coming any day now. I have found this blog hop lots of fun and very informative.
JudyCinNC said…
Awesome giveaway and wonderful opportunity. Thanks so much. I am really excited about the book. Judy C
Jocelyn said…
How very fun to learn more about you Monique. It's always nice to hear about a designers background and the things they like. Like being girly ;-D I loved that! The book looks awesome, and I'd love to have a set of the "Fit to Be" rulers.
SueB said…
The book looks awesome and the rulers look like they are just a got to have in the sewing room. Count me in please.
Marianne said…
New to your blog and you - thanks to the great book tour. Loved reading about you. Also love, love, love the book and it will definitely be a "gotta have" item along with your rulers! I've added you to my daily read.
LiahonaGirl said…
It was nice learning more about you. And, of course, for the opportunity to win the great prizes!
Shelley said…
Gosh, Monique, we have a lot in common! Really enjoyed getting to know you more! Congrats on your new book...I'd love to have it someday :)
Kathy said…
Great post - it's nice to know you better. I've used several of your patterns and always get great results with them. Can't wait to see the book! Thanks for hosting a giveaway.
Valerie Z said…
I enjoyed reading your interview and getting to know you! It's always fun hearing what others enjoy! Thank you for a chance to win and spending some time with quilters like me!
Barbara said…
I enjoyed learning some more about you. I have all your rulers and they are really great. Would love to win a copy of your book, the quilts look beautiful. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
Ginny Worden said…
Thanks for sharing, no surprise your favorite player is a fellow Canadian, Steve Nash.
Sallie said…
Lucky 13! I'd love to win the book or your rulers. Thanks for the giveaway!
Ming said…
Your book looks fantastic and I'm excited to try several of the projects in it.

susan said…
I am so excited to get your book. I'm hoping to win a copy, but it doesn't matter, I'm going to have it anyway. The quilts look wonderful, and I am finally ready to cut into some Harriet Hargrave blues (Indigos, I think) that I've had for years, finally convinced that there's a quilt (Whist) which would be perfect for them. Thank you. I'm very excited about the possibilities.
Abbybeth said…
I'm so excited for this book, every quilt I've seen on the 4 blogs has been just stunning. Complex, but attainable. I'd really love a chance to try the Fit to be Geese rulers, those geese still intimidate me!
Miss Jean said…
Someone who loves Ireland and is superstitious! Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I love Engish Sheep Dogs as well. Good luck with the book!!
Melissa said…
I'm with you, if I could I'd be on a plane to somewhere else right now. And even if I win the book I'd buy a copy just to addict someone else to your designs!
Candace said…
Wonderful tidbits, Monique! Your blog book tour has been great and fun to get to know you a little better :>)
Dj said…
Thanks for the chance to win! I loved reading your 10 things. Although, I'm a golden retriever lover myself. ;)
Judi said…
Do you suppose quilters are homebodies because they get separation anxiety if they are away from their sewing rooms too long?!? Like you, I enjoy traveling but when I'm in town, I want to be home! Too bad I need to work to keep that roof over my home. Congrats on your new book.

Elaine P said…
I'm always anxious to try out a new method for piecing so would love to win your new book and rulers. Thanks for coming up with new up-dated ideas that add a bit of excitement to the quilting world.
Kathleen said…
It was fun learning more about you. I share your love of the sheepdogs! And your love of quilting, of course. Your new book looks wonderful.
Cheryl said…
I am so happy to have found your blog via Nicole's blog . . . now you are on my morning coffee reading list too . . .

I would love to win this terrific giveaway . . . but even if I don't . . . I will be buying all these items . . . I can't wait to try them out . . .
Linda said…
Glad to get to know you better! Would love to win a book and rulers.
All8 said…
Fall is my favorite time too, well, except when it's spring. (lol)

I've seen lots of pictures of the projects from this book, can't wait to see all of the finished quilts at the end. Scrappy quilts are my favorite.

Thank you for the opportunity.
Amy said…
I would love to win your book and make Pinochle... ;) and the rulers would be frosting on the cake! If not, they'll be on my Christmas list!
Janelle said…
I'm very excited for your book to come out. Interesting reading and loved the story about your dog!
Lisa England said…
Enjoyed your blog. The book and rulers sound fantastic and I would love to win them. Thanks for the chance!
CarlaHR said…
Hello Monique, First let me say that your book looks delightful - from what I've seen all of the quilts are winners. While I'd love to win a copy of your book I know I am not very lucky so will end up purchasing a copy when my self-imposed moratorium on book purchases is up.
Congratulations on the book which, I hope, is the first of many.
Marilyn said…
Interesting to learn more about you. Please enter me to win the book and rulers. Congratulations on your book!

Marilyn (no blog)
Strlady said…
I'm a Math major too! I think it's one of the reasons why I love quilting; it really works out those analytical skills. I used to live in New England and autumn is what I miss the most now that I live in Tx. It is great knowing you better. After I won your rulers in a giveaway by Carrie, I have never made a flying geese any other way. I also bought your Fit to be Square ruler (still waiting on a chance to use it!) and bought my daughter a set of your rulers too. I love them and I’m always sharing my love of them with anyone that has the misfortune to mention flying geese.
Anonymous said…
Your book looks great and I've heard very good reviews of your rulers. Anything that will improve accuracy when piecing is a great gadget! Thanks for the chance to win your book and rulers!
Sandy E-H in Northern MN
Wendy said…
Oh your photos make me wish I was back in Ireland...Loved it there. I would love to win the book...pick me please...pretty please!
Bjwalsh101 said…
I would love to win the giveway, I love reading your blog too.
Julie S said…
I'd like to know how you knew about dog breeds at 5 years old? Sure is a cute story, and cute picture of the dogs too!
Joyce said…
The book looks wonderful. I would love to win the book and the rulers!
Nancy in WI said…
That was fun finding out about you! I have never tried your rulers but I want to and I already LOVE the quilts in your book!
The photo of your dogs is precious!! I've looked through your book and Love every one of the quilts. If I don't win, it's on my 'purchase' list. Such interesting things to know about you!! Thanks for sharing.
Gloria said…
Thank you sharing. I would love to wind the book and rulers.
Gloria said…
Correct that to win the book and rulers.....pressed the enter button to quickly!
Linda in PA said…
I would love to win a copy of this book and some rulers. Thanks for the giveaway and for letting us know a little bit about you.
Dortha said…
I would love to win your book and rulers. It is so nice of you to have the contest. dorthac@aol.com
Betty said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Betty said…
Your book looks great! Superstitions are hard to let go. I have a few myself, but I try not to take them too seriously!
Stephani in TX said…
All those things I would have never known about you! That was an interesting blog. Now we all know more about the person behind the book. I love the cover quit. I also can sew corners on just about anything that doesn't move, but I'll bet your rulers do a better job.
Jayne Honnold said…
I enjoyed reading your 10 Things. The book and rulers would be great fun to win...crossing my fingers (superstitious, too!) :-)
Donna Etler said…
Love to read you blog...Would love to win the items!!
Joan said…
I would love to have a copy of your book or the rulers!I've enjoyed following the blog hop and loved reading ten new things about you.
Andrea said…
Your patterns are so wonderful and piece together so well. Congratulations on the new book! I am sure I will have to get a copy of it. This "book tour" is so much fun, and your 10 things was interesting. But, I already knew about the math degree - all that tutoring you did for my son Kyle!!
Michelle said…
What a great post! You're new book looks amazing...I can't wait to see it in person! :)
kshackabq said…
Really enjoying the blog hop and learning about your book and more about you. Thanks for letting us see all the wonderful quilts.
The book looks fabulous Monique and I've heard so many good things about the rulers.
Marcia W. said…
I enjoyed your 10 Things bio. Would enjoy winning the book and a set of rulers so can make some of the fantastic quilts that are Fat Quarter Winners! Thanks for the giveaway and the informative blog hop. The tutorials were wonderful.
Marcia B said…
I loved reading 10 things about you...especially the part about the sheep dog! :) Cute picture of your four-legged buddies!
I love your book and rulers, so am keeping my fingers crossed!
Béa said…
I love all the patterns in this book & would be so happy to win !
Luned said…
I'm ashamed to say I've never been to Ireland. That wouldn't be so bad if I didn't live in Holyhead - the ferry to Ireland from Wales is less than a mile from my house and passes my window twice a day. One day...
I'd love to be entered for the draw, though I'll be buying the book as soon as it reaches the UK if I didn't win!
Christina D said…
Congratulations on your book!
I have my eye to make the Spades quilt. Glad that Lisa showed how to use your ruler too! Thanks for the chance to win a copy and rulers.
Deb said…
Love the book and there are several quilts that I'd like to make. Thanks for the chance to win!
Mary said…
Love your patterns and I'm sure the book is great as well. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Lee D said…
Great getting to know you a bit more. Fantastic book!!!
Ursula said…
The book looks like a must have on my to buy list, unless I win. Really enjoy the book tours.
Vivian said…
The quilts that I've seen from the book look great, and specialty rulers definitely make our quilting days easier. Nobody can have too many quilting books that focus on one cut of fabric, and fat quarters will always be #1 in my heart.
Thanks so much for offering this giveaway.
Sherryl said…
Oh my goodness. That book! Those quilts! The rulers! Amazing. But... hard rock? Really? You're right, I never woulda guessed.(giggle)
Pat V. said…
Although I am not a mathmetician, I love the math & geometry of quilting. I'm enjoying the tutorials very much.
Linda said…
So cool to learn some fun things about you!! Book looks like it's going to keep me busy! Lol!
Sharrieboberry said…
I <3 Steve Nash too. I still have not forgiven the Mavericks for trading him to the Suns. But lucky for you!

The book is lovely! I've really enjoyed seeing all the teasers and the finished quilts and quilts-in-progress. Quite lovely! This book is definitely on my wish list.
Sandy said…
Interesting comments. I would like to travel to Ireland someday.
I think your quilts in this book are inspiring. So many quilts, so little time.
Maribel said…
Thanks for that great giveaway! I would love to try this rulers...
Anita said…
What interesting and insightful answers! Thanks for sharing all those tidbits about yourself, it was fun to read. Who are the dogs in the pictures, looks like a mom and pup? They are adorable!
Anonymous said…
Your book looks terrific. So many wonderful patterns. And thanks for this self-interview. It was great to learn 10 unknown things about you. Am loving the blog tour, and can't wait to see the finished quilts.
Debbie R.
Carol said…
Your book looks great and the blog tour has been fun.
Clarissa68 said…
how cool would be to win the book!
Thanks for a chance to get it.
What is there to say? This book is defenitely a must have and I believe the rulers are too, great time savers and more accuracy for sure. Thanks so much for the tidbits about you and the beautiful photos. Love those Sheepdogs. Hugs....
Anonymous said…
Loved the story about the dog when you were 5. I have also enjoyed leaning about your book. The patterns are really beautiful. Thanks for the give away chance.
Nancy E said…
Your book is a "Winner". It has been great seeing the quilts in the books and love reading the interviews.

I like that you wants customers to be able to use leftover fabric from the previous line(s) with the latest line. It would fun to win a copy of your book and rulers!
dianne said…
i wasn't superstitious till i married (the wrong-for-me man) on friday the 13th - now i watch that kinda stuff, too ... i have trouble trimming flying geese & i would love to try those rulers!
ytsmom said…
I have really been enjoying the tour, and would love a copy of the book, plus the rulers.
Becky said…
Great things to know! Sweets for me, too. How many dogs do you have? I'm going to Paducah next week. Hope to find one of your books at the show! Happy Easter!
mtnquiltr said…
I love the look of the quilts in your book,it would be great to win a copy. I'd like more of your rulers, I already have one for flying geese. Reading your blog regularly!
Jodi said…
Hi Monique, I've missed seeing you but happy to see you've been so busy and creative. Great new things. Can't wait to see your new book. Miss your smiling face. Say hi to Sue and Joyce for me
reddy2quilt said…
Love your book and your rulers. Love that you are a numbers gal too! Most of all I appreciate your signature design style updated traditional - and you do it so well. Keep giving us great designs!
Donna~~ said…
How useful to be a quilter with a math degree! I'll be looking for your book! (would love to give the rulers a try too!)
Beverly said…
Fun getting to know you a little more. I enjoy your work and appreciate the opportunity to be in the drawing.
Thank you,
Beverly in WA state
Anonymous said…
I have really enjoyed the blog hop and seeing your patterns. Would love to win your book or rulers. Keep up the good work.

quiltmom anna said…
It looks like a fabulous book and the rulers too- someone is going to be one fortunate winner.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a nice giveaway gift. The book looks like it has some fabulous new designs to choose from.
Regards from Western Canada,
rebecca said…
Your book is on the top of my list to buy! You go girl!!

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