Fat Quarter Winners Book Tour Starts Today!

I hope you are excited by the book tour that is starting today!  I know that I am.  Today is Nicole from Sister's Choice day to blog about the book and reveal the quilt that she has decided to make.  She will also show you her color choices and some wonderful ideas that she has come up with. 

Don't forget to come back each day to see who is blogging what day and their choices.  Also, there will be prizes and a few surprises!

Here is a picture of another one of the quilts in the book:


I still haven't received copies of the books for sale but as soon as I do, I will post it.  You can purchase the book ahead of time or wait until it comes in.  Check your local quilt shop for it as well. 

Thanks for coming by and come by tomorrow to see who is making the next quilt out of Fat Quarter Winners!


Jocelyn said…
Monique, this book looks awesome! And I am so glad to see your blog up and running. I tried to follow you before, but this is easier :-)
Candace said…
I love how you named all the quilts after card games, Monique! And after reading Nicole's post this morning - I can't wait to see the rest of the quilts! I love your rulers, too!
pcflamingo said…
The blues and yellows in Cribbage look so yummy. Makes me think about other possible color combinations I'd like to try...
Barbara Anne said…
How yummy!! I look forward to seeing MORE!!

Deb said…
Looks like a really nice book and I like the fact that you can use FQ's. When will the book be available and how much is shipping?
Anonymous said…
Love the book, love to play cards so enjoy the quilt games. Hope to win, if not I'll order the book.
Becky said…
Congratulations on your new book! It looks awesome. I'm loving seeing some of the quilts on blogs. I have a feeling this is one quilt book I won't be able to resist. Have a great day!

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