Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Blog Tour

Happy Friday!  Today is my day to join in the Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Blog Tour.  Yes, that means that I have a block included in the magazine!  The tour has been going on all week so make sure that you check out the other designers that are involved in the tour. 
 Here is the cover of the magazine:
It's so great that they have printed 7 - 100 Block Magazines!  I am also so proud to say that I have been in all 7 issues! 

My block is called Tiara...do you sense a theme these days?  I have a book coming up next week (squee!) called Diamond Traditions and I called this block Tiara...do you think I'm a princess?!  My husband sure thinks so!  Anyway, here is my block:

I used the purple colorway of my fabric with Maywood Studio, Royal Gardens.  I love the way this block has a center that you can fussy-cut or use an interested print inside.  It was fun to make and there are so many possibilities to make a quilt with it.  Here are some ideas:
Simple on point with setting squares and triangles
With sashing and corner stones

Now for the fun part, my giveaways!  Quiltmaker has so generously offered to send a free copy to one lucky winner! 

I am also going to draw for another person to win a copy of my new book that comes out next week, Diamond Traditions.  Here is the cover: 

I will receive my copies on Tuesday so once that comes in, I will mail one out to the winner.  So, there will be two winners, one for the magazine and one for my book.  You don't need to enter twice, just leave a comment on this blog and I will pick my 2 winners.  Please include your email address so that I can contact you if you win.  Comment until Sunday night and I will announce the winners on Monday.  Here is the question that I want you to answer in your comment:  What inspires you to quilt?

For those of you new to my blog, check out my last few blogs, I have started a free Block of the Month and the instructions are included in my last blog.  Also, I am starting a new article called: Ask Monique, Ann Landers Type Quilting Questions.  I am super excited about doing this and if you send me a question and I answer it on my blog, I will send you a free pattern!

Thanks for joining me and enjoy the blog tour!!


Anita said…
Nature, and life in general inspires me to quilt. A beautiful scenery, pebbles on the beach, kids on the playground; everything may give me the urge to create a quilt.
K said…
I just love your blocks and own two of your books (and ore-ordered your latest book). Beautiful construction! I am a relatively new quilter and your techniques/ patterns make it very accessible to me. Thanks!
Tami C said…
I love browsing the internet looking for things that catch my fancy. I read magazines and books and if something catches my eye, I'll write it down or draw it. I started quilting just last summer. I waited until I retired and could quilt any time I felt like it. Thanks for the chance to win!
Bouts Choisis said…
Oh my - so many inspirations! Beautiful fabrics; books; magazines; bloggers and the internet. Important events for family and friends such as babies and weddings inspire quilts. Having visited the "Pour l'Amour du Fil" exhibition at Nantes last week I'm brimming over with ideas and have a sudden urge to try a "Dear Jane"! Congratulations on your new book and thanks for the giveaways. Lynne.
Suze said…
The block is wonderful. Isn't wonderful when your husband thinks you are a princess? I think each of the blocks has been my favorite at the moment. They are all that great. I love the idea of Ask Monique. Congrats on having a block in every issue. Wow! And thank you for the generous giveaway.
Nancy said…
I love to see quilts on the net, and then use them as ideas for new ones. I might change the theme, or personalize it.
Quilting is a family heritage - each quilt is inspired differently - nature, a color, the fabric itself, or a special person/need
Julie said…
I love the process of putting things together and seeing the final outcome. Thanks
Jitka said…
When I see nice bright coloured fabric I start thinking about new quilt. Thank you for sharing your blok, it is nice.
Alcea Rosea 31 said…
I love your block especially when you show the quilt as a whole. I am still mainly influenced by other quilters and old quilts.
Ellee said…
My creative side is inspired by floor tiles, block walls, brick buildings, window panes, tree branches, power lines... Pretty much wherever I look I find inspiration. -- soparkaveataoldotcom
Congrats on being included in all 7 issues! It is amazing! I love working with fabrics, and colors frequently inspire me -- I suppose my stash is justified because it is so often my "jumping off point" to new ideas!
susan said…
I LOVE LOVE your Tiara block.. exactly for the same reasons you mentioned designing it...that wonderful center... great for photos for a memory quilt or for a toile focal scene or for that beautiful focus fabric that hurts so much to cut up. Th crown like corners sets the block off perfectly... definitely will find an opportunity to use that block in a project in the near future!
I love your block Princess Monique, and really like the second version of the quilt.
A real accomplishment having a block in all 7 volumes. Congratulations.
gailss said…
Your block in 100 Blocks is just adorable and feels very "Royal"! Congrats on your block and really nice.
Thanks, Gail
Gill said…
Congratulations on being in all 7 issues! I started quilting because I wanted to make my mum a quilt and I enjoyed it so much that I just kept going! Most of my family have one now!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Lisa England said…
One thing that inspires me to quilt is gift giving occasions. I love to make and give a quilt for a wedding or baby shower, for Christmas, or sometimes just for a surprise no-occasion gift. I gave a quilt to an old friend the other day and she was thrilled. That makes me happy.
kt said…
I think the fabric inspires me to quilt--I love putting different combinations together and seeing what it will look like. Thanks for the chance to win!
QuiltLaughLove said…
There is inspiration everywhere! Wonderful blogs, magazines available at the grocery store, ideas for patterns jump out at me. Yesterday I noticed the flooring design in front of an elevator.
SewingJanice said…
I was sewing by the time I was six and have always loved the colors and feel of fabrics. Learning to quilt after retiring 3 years ago has been a great joy. I love being able to make gifts for the special people in my life and I am carrying on the tradition my Mom started. She is my inspiration! Love your block and the multiple possibilities for using it. Congratulations on being in all 7 volumes!
sue bennett said…
Wonderful blogs. Great project.

I am still interested in the Fit to be Quarter Companion Ruler, if I can purchase separate.
Tammy said…
I am inspired in by quilting by the colors and shapes around me. I take pictures of flowers and sun through the trees and floor tiles.
Robyn said…
I surf other blogs and that's what inspires me. Seeing what others are doing.
Koricard said…
I love your block! I am usually inspired to quilt by magazines, books, displays in quilt shops, and sometimes the fabrics. Too many ideas and plans, not enough time to make them all.
Dorothy said…
I am inspired by the color of fabrics, and the person I am making it for. I love your block, and especially like how you can use the center to showcase a particular part of the fabric. Congrats on your new book, I can't wait to see it.
Sandi1100 said…
I love your block and think I'm going to use it with some pics I took of wildlife. I think they will look adorable in the center. Going to quilt shows, looking at quilting books and magazines and checking out blogs inspires me to quilt. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your book or magazine.
Dee said…
love your block and the secondary pattern it creates
Unknown said…
Your style fits me to a "T". What inspires me to quilt? My family and friends. Nothing makes my heart feel as full as when I make something for a loved one. In fact, I'm so bad that I just (last week) finished a bed quilt for MYSELF! (and I've been quilting 25 years) I would enjoy winning either the magazine or a copy of your new book. Thanks for the opportunity.
DebrafromMD said…
The fabric is what inspires me to quilt. I have been in love with fabric ever since I was a wee girl.
Linda Big D said…
Color inspires me, and traditional blocks I'd love to get a copy of your book or the magazine!
Cathy said…
I love your block. Congrats on the new book. So many things inspire me. I will see a new fabric that just sings to me and I have to make a quilt. Hugs
Gloria said…
Color inspires me and I love the feel of fabric and being able to creat something beautiful. Looking at quilts on the internet and magazines keeps my mind spinning!

JoAnne said…
I don't know exactly what inspires me to quilt, I just have to! I do love reading blogs and visiting quilt shops and both of those are very inspiring. I have so many projects on my "life list" but I would love to add more from your book! patrioticquilter@gmail.com
Thanks for the giveaway
JoyceLM said…
Congrats on your new book. I'm inspired by all the beautiful new fabrics, by the pictures posted at all the quilt blogs I read, by all the wonderful quilt books I'm collecting. Thanks for the chance to win.
eloidastitches said…
My inspiration for quilting comes from my love of color, the feel of fabrics, and the beauty all around me in nature. I also love the excitment of fitting bits of fabric together and have them fit! These are my first loves, and from there, I am truly inspired by all the work done by others, whether in quilting, in painting, or other types of art. I love your block, and your book looks like it will be full of inspiration as well. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Unknown said…
Think that your block is very nice, after all "Diamonds are a girls best friend."
Donna Joy said…
My grandma made quilts and she inspired me to create. I love the colors and patterns. Now I read blogs and am amazed and inspired by all the talent of fabric and pattern designers. Your block has lots of ways to use it. you book sounds fabulous, and I love your new Ann Lander style quilty Q & A.
Charlene S said…
The peace of piecing inspires me to quilt. Also the way the colors play with each other.
cynthia said…
The next quilt that I want to make inspires me to finish what I am working on, so I can begin something new!
Unknown said…
Congrats for your 7th inclusion to 100 Blocks. Your blog is so inspirational. It is quilters like you that inspire me to quilt.As in any type of sewing, I am always trying to get better so every time I see a new pattern or design, I look at it as a new challenge. The more I quilt, the more I learn.Besides that, I just love putting the puzzle together and seeing the finished product.
Sheila said…
Many things inspire me to quilt , color being the first thing and nature is definitely a huge factor , thanks for the chance to win .
Calgaryquilter said…
I quilt for 2 causes, Victoria's quilts for cancer patients and children at risk that are placed in foster care and the intended recipients inspire me.
Deb said…
My quilting friends actually inspire me; we meet every Wednesday. The internet, books, magazines, and nature are also great inspirations.
Eva said…
Seasons are what inspires me to quilt, there is always monthly,yearly things that rolls from one month into the next. Of course patterns and fabrics have a way of speaking to me as well. Thanks for sharing.
Marie Atkinson said…
My grandmother inspired me to make my first quilt both by making a quilt for me and teaching me to cut my first squares. I cannot imagine my life without quilts.
Your block is terrific and I can't wait to see all of your book. Congrats on getting into all of the magazine issues.
Rosa said…
Blogs,internet, colors,fabrics,books magazines, see quilts on internet and exhibitions.Congratulations on being published and your new book.
Purl Buttons said…
What a great block to showcase something special! My internetting provide me with more inspiration than I can follow-up with. I am also a bibliophile and have more books on quilting than our public library. Every month or so I switch out the books that sit by me and my sewing machine to get something fresh to think about.
AnnieK said…
Usually, I am excited about making a quilt because I've fallen in love with a particular piece of fabric, or a whole collection, and I just HAVE to make something with it. I'd love to say it's sunsets, or colors in a bag of candy, or something artistic of that nature, but no, it's simply me obsessing over some pretty fabric design. Of course, that IS art....which explains why it's so hard to cut into it, LOL!
Thank you for sharing your talent. It is so nice to be part of the quilting world, as everyone seems to want to help others. I would love to be able to win your book.
Anonymous said…
I'm inspired by other quilters you you. Very neat block. Congrats on both the new book and being included in the magazine. Thanks for the chance to win.
Thim3 said…
I love your block..congrats on being in the magazine. Thank you for this chance to win. What inspires my is looking around the net at what everyone is doing and getting ideas. I have found so many great ideas.
Jocelyn said…
Two things inspire me to quilt. One has always been the beautiful fabric. How can you not love to play with beautiful fabric. The other is how quilting is my therapy. I love to cut up fabric and put it back together. Guess that is why I have so many UFO's ;-)
Anonymous said…
Oh gosh I would love to win your latest book and signed! Congrats on being in every single issue of 100 Blocks!! Does that mean you have 7 mugs too? :-)

So...an Ann Landers kind of question sounds fun! I don't have your geese ruler and see/read raving reviews about it. I want one but am a skeptic because I've already got a drawer full of gizmo's and gadgets. Convince me that I need one. Okay...so not really a question. LOL
Amy said…
Love your block! What inspires me to quilt? I am a member of many online groups where I regularly get to see fresh, new quilts. Also, my quilter friends make so many BEAUTIFUL quilts and I find myself wanting to make what they are making.

darlene said…
I used to watch Georgia Bonesteel and Eleanor Burns a long time ago. It was fascinating and then I wanted to make quilts for my new grandchildren.
moosecraft said…
What inspires me to quilt? The fabric, the colors, the shapes... the possibilities are endless! It's also very relaxing, effective therapy and extremely rewarding! I can honestly say that antique quilts influence my quilting style the most... and wherever a quilt is being stitched.... there is always a great group of people gathered! Congrats on you block successes! I'm embarrassed to say I have never seen the contents of a 100 Block magazine...
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the new book! It would be fun to make a quilt from it, thanks
Leanne Parsons said…
What a versatile block. It will be fun to experiment with it. I need to quilt to keep my sanity! That's what inspires me! Beyond that, I'm always finding more patterns I want to make, so I'll never run out of inspiration.
caroldcrisp said…
I am most inspired by looking at fabrics. My husband kids me about having too many, but you know that's not true!!! Mine are folded and arranged by color in an open book case. It is really enjoyable to look over and see the different bands of color and how they flow into one another. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of your book or the magazine!
Lori Huffman said…
Inspirations come from everywhere, nature, tiles on the bathroom floor in a restaurant, colors, fabrics, clothing, other people's ideas and creativity. Thanks for your contribution to 100 blocks! Lori
Rebecca said…
What inspires me to quilt? You! and fabrics. Unfortunately, it seems if I find a quilt in a magazine or book, the fabric is no longer available. I think fabric lines should be re-released about 2 years later as that is about when I find it! Thanks for the chance to win.
Jennifer said…
I am inspired by the process of putting together the shapes and colors and I just love to sew. I've been sewing forever, but just started quilting so I love your Ann Landers idea. Thanks for the chance at this giveaway.
Tamsyn said…
Quilting provides me with a creative outlet. Working with beautiful patterns and fabric is wonderful
Lori said…
An absolutely lovely block. Giving inspires me to quilt. I love to see the joy and happiness when opened. And knowing that it will be loved for a very long time.
Strlady said…
Congrats on the block! I can't wait to pick up your new book. Will you be at Market in a few weeks?
I think the history of the craft is what keeps me inspired to continue to quilt.I find inspiration in every quilter I meet. From the two 90+ yr old ladies that recently joined my Modern guild or my daughter's best friend that had never sewed in her life but already made a Schnibble. Honestly, quilting has a life of it's own and being part of this community keeps me planning and piecing. Thanks!
Cathy B said…
I quilt to be creative. Love your block, congratulations in getting it in the magazine. Your book looks fantastic!!! thanks!
Kd Brown said…
Lovely block and wonderful book, Monique! Thanks for all of your hard work. Quilty love to you!
Nanzs said…
So many beautiful fabrics, and creative designers! I see so many beautiful blocks. . . I want to make all of them. I grew up with 3 brothers, then my husband and I had three sons. My first grandchild was born, a GIRL!! She is my princess.'I quilt for her, so she'll always remember her Nana!

Thanks ~
Victoria M. said…
I think I'm most inspired by seeing pictures of quilts in books, magazines, blogs, and websites. It's probably the colors that I'm drawn to first, then the designs. Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful looking book!!
Mary said…
My books and magazines inspire me the most. Then after that always keeping in mind the peace and calm I get out of doing my favorite thing. I love your block Tiara. Very pretty.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Beautiful block. Would be a great quilt for my granddaughter Gianni who is a princess.
Cory said…
My need to create is what inspires me the quilt and to teach others to quilt. Thank you for the chance to win either the magazine, which I love, or your fantastic new book. Take care and God bless, Cory
Lee Ann L. said…
What inspires me to quilt? Beauty. I just love creating and piecing things into a beautiful functional piece of art!
Unknown said…
The peace and good feeling I have in my sewing room.. the love of creation.. thanks for the chances to win
patricia said…
Hard work pays off. Great job.
Mary said…
Great patterns, fabric the colors of Spring.
kathy said…
I am inspired by many outlets....my quilt guild, fiends , magazines but the Internet is such a great tool with so many inspirational places to visit
Anonymous said…
I love your block and color combo. I can see this block quilt on my bed in the future.
email: Btyner@aol.com
Love your block, I could definitely see myself using it in a quilt!
Lucy quilts said…
Your block is great - love it with the sashing layout.
Lucy quilts said…
Love your block especially wit the sashing layout.
Pat S. said…
I really like how your block sets into a quilt. I search everywhere for good designs that I can integrate into my quilting. I find inspiration in nature and landscapes; anything, really. Thanks sew much for this chance to win. :-D
Rebecca said…
I am all for diamonds any way the come.
Barb Johnson said…
I've always loved working with my hands and making things. I knit, crochet, cross-stitch and quilt and a. But quilting is my favorite. I love the way the patterns and fabric come together.
Karen said…
I'm inspired to quilt when I want to give a gift to someone or make a useful item for our home.
Vandy said…
your block reminds me of Ireland and green is my favorite color. love the block
MissPat said…
I joined a Fiber Arts Guild and a group within the guild decided to form a quilting study group. We have become very close friends and quilting is now one of my favorite passions. I'm inspired by color and design and love to just wander through aisles of quilt fabric, stroking it and dreaming of all the wonderful things it could become
Cecilia said…
I'm inspired to quilt by all of the wonderful people I know. Your block is pretty. Thank you for the chance to win and congratulations on your new book.
claire said…
The love of family, nature and animals are my most common inspirations for quilting.
claire said…
I use family, nature and animal life for my inspirations.
Grammie said…
Your block is beautiful - fit for a princess!
Gena in Dallas said…
What a gorgeous block!! I love the secondary patters that emerge when you used it in a quilt.
Dana Gaffney said…
It feels like everything inspires me to quilt, nature, other quilters, ideas that just spring up and sometimes I look at fabric and know just what it wants to be made into. Thanks.
Margaret said…
Thanks for sharing and I would love to win. You are so inspiring
Karyn said…
I'm pretty sure that everything inspires me to quilt! I see patterns everywhere (floors, nature, tile patterns in public bathrooms *grin*) I'm always snapping pictures of patterns. Life inspires me too...births, deaths, celebrations, mournings, everything in between! It's comforting to have the hands moving and to be creating! For me, quilting is paralleled only by baking.
Thank you for the chance! I follow you & am participating in your QAL.
Laurie in Iowa said…
Quilting blogs have been the inspiration for me to get back to making quilts.
Joan H. said…
I was first inspired by Eleanor Burns quilting show on TV. That's many years ago now, but I'm more enthused now than ever.Your block is lovely.
Sally said…
My mini quilt group is doing your Blogger Girl BOM. It's fun to see all the different versions. Thanks.
Lou said…
Everything inspires me when I make quilts:) It could be nature, a pattern, a store model,fabric almost anything. I do however make changes to patterns and Lou them:) ha ha!!!
Great block!
Becky said…
I'm inspired by flowers, trees, the sky. Thanks for a wonderful block!
Jenny L said…
Seeing what other people are doing inspires me. Also, bright colors and fabrics!
Diana said…
My grandma taught me to sew when I was in Junior High School & I loved making my own clothes. Later in life she taught me to make quilts. I loved that even more! I love the way you can turn pieces of material into warm blankets for my grandchildren and each quilt is made specifically for each child. The creativity part is the best part!
angelmama22 said…
I love your blocks -- just discovered your blog via the tour. I love trying new blocks.
Mare said…
This is my favorite block so far! Love it!
Ann said…
I would love to win your book. I just love that quilt on the cover!
Unknown said…
I am inspired by what I see in the quilting world, nature, and family traditions. I have inherited blocks and quilts from my great aunts, my great grandmother, two grandmothers and my mother and they inspire me to challenge myself and yet remember the roots of this tradition.
Anonymous said…
I guess fabric inspires me - love the colors and the possibilities of it. Always a challenge to decide what to use and how to do it. Lots of fun to make something for someone which matches their personality. Cindy W. at cwienstroer@amuniversal.com
Karen said…
The road to the Open Gate palace is paved with 100 blocks. A purple colorway leads to the Royal Garden where the princes sits admiring her quilted garden. She is beautiful with her Tiara of Diamonds, Traditional and Block.
Unknown said…
So many things. The main ones being nature and seeing patterns.
Cloud 9 said…
I have a bundle of 5 FQ's of an adorable cat print. I've been undecided what to do with them for a couple of years. The smaller block setting will make the perfect table-topper with these fabrics!
I love your block and can't wait for your new book--looks like another great one!
~Kris~ said…
I originally fell in love with quilts from the ones that my mother had gotten from her mother and grandmother. My mom did not piece, but made several cross stitch quilts. Now my inspiration comes primarily from the many blogs that I read. I keep starting new things all the time because I see something I like so well.
Anonymous said…
I like the block and the fabric choice , thank you ,martamanole@yahoo.com
Anonymous said…
An antique quilt, a fabric, a new pattern, nature, geometry (who knew - high school math!)....
Patty said…
a great color combo for this block
Martina said…
I think nature, pictures and when I have a theme given.
Love your block. Looks great in the quilt!
KathySue said…
I love browsing and exploring all things quilt related. It is always exciting to read about others ideasa and inspirations. Thanks for a chance to win.
Denise said…
I love the feel of the fabric and the history of making quilts.
Anonymous said…
Oh, I love the cover of our book! Thanks for the opportunity.
Congrats in having blocks in Vol 1-7! I love your block as is really different. I am inspired by nature. Living near the Smoky Mountains really helps.
Denise said…
I have had a love of fabric since I first learned to sew at age 8. The colors, the designs and textures. And quilting allows me to play with all of that and have something I created as a result of my fun. Thanks for sharing.
alaskamarge said…
I find making blocks relaxing...don't like to have a deadline, but something pretty at the end makes it all worth while. Right now I have 3 crows eating out of my feeder, looking so beautiful...that is inspirational.
Anonymous said…
the satisfaction of making something useful and beautiful
Deb said…
Oh, I'm definitely looking forward to your new book! I have your other two and this one will be just as fabulous.

Deb S.
Anonymous said…
Love your blog and your patterns. Thanks for the book and magazine givaway!
Beth F
teachpany said…
I love fabric. I think I am inspired by designs in the fabric, and want to see them working together. I'm been quilting a long time. I love adding quilts to my decor, and giving things I make to family and friends. It's just fun!
carol l said…

the ability to be creative. I can actually create something. The internet and quilts shops are wonderful aids in being creative.
Carol L
Sallie said…
Blogs, other quilters, and new patterns are what inspire me to quilt. Thanks for the great giveaway!
n Carter said…
I am fascinated by color, and I love all the different color combinations I can make in quilting.
Shirlsu said…
I've been making quilts for MANY years and I'm inspired by nearly everything! Thanks for the terrific block and for all you do for all us old and new quilters!
Beth said…
Architectural elements and the opportunity to use metaphors inspire me creatively, but I quilt because I love being able to show my love in a tangible way.
Anonymous said…
I originally was inspired to quilt by the desire to have a quilt. Now I love the fabrics, their feel, color, pattern and even their smell.
Nancy S. said…
Your new books looking so intriguing. Sure hope that I win one or Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, vol. 7. Thanks for the opportunity.
I get my inspiration from all kinds of things! My daughter is a big one for sure! Thanks for the chance!
Annie said…
I like to try new things, so last year I made a goal for myself to make a quilt. I've been at it ever since!!
I get lots of inspiration from blogs.
Unknown said…
Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Margie Scott said…
Beautiful fabric inspires me to quilt. chicocalgal2003@yahoo.com
Unknown said…
Nature and color my love of quilting come together in my creativity. I love this new block you did, and would really like to have your new book.
Loris said…
Wow! Your block is stunning! Especially in that fabric.
Can't wait to check out your new book. I love diamond shapes.
QuilterLaura said…
I guess I would have to say it's the fabric, seeing all those beautiful designs really gets me going!
tealeafquilts said…
I love your block! And I would love to win! Carol
Squee is right, a book being published rocks.
All the best, Sharn
Betty Domal said…
Love your green & purple-one of my favorite combinations-also love red, white & black.
Learned to sew about age 8 from my mother-made doll clothes. Was active in 4-H & Home Ec (so sorry it's not taught any more.)
Joanna said…
I love to sew and moved into quilt making a few years ago just to try it out. Now I can't stop. I'm inspired by bloggers, books, fabric and the beauty of a finished quilt. There's nothing like it.
Anonymous said…
Primarily my love of fabric. However, I find inspiration on how to use my extensive fabric stash on blogs, in nature and in the love of my family.
Cindi said…
Wow! A block in the 100 Blocks issue and a New Book! So many exciting things happening in your world. I can get inspired by so many things, a new pattern, a block that I've just seen, and even a new technique. It's so much fun to see what can happen during the planning stage of the project.
Mary said…
I see pineapples in the secondary pattern with your Block. How fun! Thanks for a chance to WIN the Magazine or your new Book. The Blog tour has been awesome. sad to see it end.
Lisa said…
Great block and great giveaway!
Elizabeth said…
Inspiration comes from all the great quilting books and magazines and on-line classes available--Sooooo many things in my queue.
PJB said…
I love your block, especially after seeing it in a layout!
Hanke said…
Colors inspire me, nice block!
Ally said…
Love your block. Color is an inspiration to me
Nancy said…
My inspiration for quilting comes from my desire to create something I can give to someone else. It may be a gift for a special occasion, or just a surprise. Giving items leads me to completion of the task. Your block has such possibilities and your book sounds exciting.
Unknown said…
I love your blocks and have 2 of your books! And I'm doing your Blogger Girls BOM---almost caught up! Thanks for the chance to win!
Diann said…
History inspires me to quilt-the history of quilting that is. I love making something useful, much as our for-mothers did. Of course we have better tools today and that makes it easier.
Lyn said…
I like to quilt because it is fun and relaxing, and gives me a reason to collect pretty fabric! :-)
Unknown said…
My mother was a wonderful quilter. She inspired me.
Robin T said…
Quilting is my fun time and that includes my best girlfriends! The need to create and be social is what inspires me. I've been quilting for 26 years! I can't believe I was that young when I started quilting! And I'm still at it!
quiltgrammy said…
I love to be able to give something homemade to friends and loved ones is what inspires me to quilt.
Pat V. said…
This is a lovely block! I am inspired by color, and by lovely fabrics!
Unknown said…
Simone. Really like your Twin stars pattern, the material is great!
Anonymous said…
I'm inspired by seeing what other people do and by seeing beautiful fabric.
Unknown said…
I am inspired by nature and strive to recreate the colors found there
Janet H. said…
I am inspired by the colors of the world around me. I like to use jewel tones that replicate the bright flowers of spring as it is so grey during the winter that spring is always so refreshing.
bairdmtn said…
Quilting actually inspires me to be creative and make all sorts of things! I just love antique and old things and whenever I see a quilt displayed in a picture or grouping, I feel the need to make something that looks old!! I do make quilts, but I also do redwork and make baskets, too! I love the way handwork looks when displayed with old furniture and home-y kinds of things! I love the look of traditionally pieced quilts the best! Thay just look old!
NewSooz said…
This block would be a great way to showcase a special fabric or photo. I can't wait to get the magazine.
Gale said…
I just love to sew and create beautiful things. Fabric, magazines, pictures, the internet, friends, my husband, and many other things inspire me to quilt.
Brenda said…
Beautiful block! It makes a wonderful quilt!
hulseybg at gmail dot com
BizyStitches said…
Beautiful block and congrats. What inspires me to quilt is seeing projects that others have made. I like to surf many blogs.
Madeline said…
I have sewn since I was about 8 yrs old, and decided that I needed something I could do in my old age as eyes fail me, and hands get arthritic. There were so many women who quilted till the day they died, in their 90's, I decided that's what I need to learn. Now it is an addiction, I just love making something out of "nothing". Hence, scrap quilting is my favorite form of quilting.I love finding new block patterns that can be used with scraps!
Unknown said…
A new book or magazine always gets the creative mind thinking...will I ever live long enough to make them all.
Debbie said…
All the pretty blocks in the magazine inspires me. Thanks
Nancy said…
For as long as I can remember I have loved quilts; however, I have only been quilting for about 7 years and a goal was to have a pieced and hand quilted quilt on my bed. I have achieved that and now I just want to quilt all the time. Love the traditional pieced blocks that can be used so many different ways.
Kristen said…
The desire to create inspires me to quilt. I just love the satisfaction of seeing something come together. Thanks for the chance to win!
Colors and fabrics are an inspiration, but I can never pass up a good new pattern for a block. Sometimes the block will be an UFO, but most time they make their way into a beautiful quilt. So guess I have to say seeing what new is being designed is my inspiration.
Diane H said…
My sewing room inspires me. I have a beautiful 'wall of smalls' some that I have made and some that were gifted to me. Whenever I go in there I just want to sew!
Your block is lovely. Congrats on the new book and thanks.
wendy said…
Your block is very pretty. I am inspired by my grand children and nature. I love floral's and of course the grands all need special "blanket's".
47lilpolock said…
I love the colors in your block. It also makes up into a wonderful quilt. Thanks. I love to make new and interesting blocks.
Karrie said…
Glad I found your blog! Congrats! I really love the purple in the fabric.
Unknown said…
I am inspired by quilt and quilt patterns or just a walk through the fabric store. So many patterns, so little time..
Anonymous said…
First of all your block is terrific. I love it in the quilt where the placement bring out the circles in the middle. What a wonderful surprise just by turning a block.
Fabrics inspire me and nudgings from my husband. He is my most ardent supporter. Even though I am new at this he always praises what I have done.
Unknown said…
I love spending time browsing the internet. There are endless quilts to look at & be inspired by. Of course, I have quilt magazines and books to look at as well. These things mostly inspire me to quilt. Yesterday I went to the Denver National Quilt Festival and there were so many gorgeous quilts to look at. I took loads of photos so I can continue to be inspired by them :)
Dianne Mitzel said…
I would love either book or magazine, you block is lovely, as are the fabrics..
Joyce said…
Absolutely nothing wrong with being a princess!
Sharon L. said…
I love browsing the quilt shops for fabrics and also the internet for pictures of quilts to find something that may work. I will go thru my books and magazines for just the right pattern. Thanks for the chance to win.
Peggy said…
The colors and feel of the fabric is what inspires me.
Material Girl said…
I am inspired to quilt by seeing and feeling lucious fabrics and amazing ideas on blogs and magazines. Quilting is not only good for me, but it enables me to show how much I care by making individual,personalized gifts that cannot be bought! Sewandsew@hvc.rr.com
Kaye M. tkmattson@hotmail.com said…
I have been sewing all my life and simply have the need to make pretty things. I get ideas from magazines, the net and other members in my guild.
edith said…
I have already purchased the 100 Block mag but would love to have your book.
Vicki H said…
I make quilts because I like to make useful items and everyone has a use for at least one quilt.
Nancy said…
You name it - Fabric, patterns, books, magazines. I have lots bookmarked for future quilts. I better live a long time. Thanks, Nancy P.
CharlotteT said…
What inspires me to quilt? Every darn thing I see I can visualize in a quilt. Some days my head could explode with all those ideas rushing thru it: Liked your block for this magazine. This is my first time to go thru the 100 block thing.
Quilt Monkey said…
I get my inspiration from seeing other quilts. I love to hop around the internet and soak in all of the quilty goodness. Then I just want to sew! Thanks for the chance.
Such a hard question. First it was on my bucket list to make one quilt. The last few years it's been QALs etc. Their are so many lovely QALs going on I can't keep up, but it doesn't keep me from trying.
kwkaiser2 said…
Blocks like yours are one of my inspirations. Beautiful commercial fabrics or my own hand-dyed fabrics...Mother nature with the seasonal changes.... I really need to start a spring green quilt before summer arrives!
History in some ways, my great aunt quilted and my gran always had quilts on the beds. Love adding to our family history.
Kathy L said…
Love your block and can't wait to see your book. Thanks for the chance to win.
Kathy H said…
Pretty block and I like the quilt that you showed with it. I get inspiration from the many blogs that I read and also from my quilting friends.
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