100 Block Blog Post Winners

Happy Monday to everyone!  Especially to these lucky winners!

First to Pat for her comment:

"I really like how your block sets into a quilt. I search everywhere for good designs that I can integrate into my quilting. I find inspiration in nature and landscapes; anything, really. Thanks sew much for this chance to win. :-D

She wins the Quiltmaker's 100 Block magazine

Second to PJB for her comment: 

"I love your block, especially after seeing it in a layout!"

She wins a copy of my newest book, Diamond Traditions.

I was so excited about all the comments that everyone made and the amount of people that commented!  This is the most I've ever had comment so I am thrilled.  Because of this, I am going to add 2 more giveaways.  I had over 300 comments so I thought I'd pick another winner and there would be 3 giveaways for 300 people, that way you had a better chance to win, so, the third winner is:

Stephanie for her comment:

"I get my inspiration from all kinds of things! My daughter is a big one for sure! Thanks for the chance!"

She is getting a signed copy of the magazine directly from me.   (Stephanie, please email me so I can get your address to send you copy info@opengatequilts.com)

For the special creative category winner, I chose Karen for her blog post:

"The road to the Open Gate palace is paved with 100 blocks. A purple colorway leads to the Royal Garden where the princess sits admiring her quilted garden. She is beautiful with her Tiara of Diamonds, Traditional and Block." 

She had me giggling and for this she gets a signed copy of my new book!  (Karen, please email me so I can get your address to send your book, info@opengatequilts.com)

Thanks for everyone for participating and hope to see everyone again soon!


Very informative! Thanks a lot!

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