Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Blog Tour

Happy Friday!  Today is my day to join in the Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Blog Tour.  Yes, that means that I have a block included in the magazine!  The tour has been going on all week so make sure that you check out the other designers that are involved in the tour. 
 Here is the cover of the magazine:
It's so great that they have printed 7 - 100 Block Magazines!  I am also so proud to say that I have been in all 7 issues! 

My block is called Tiara...do you sense a theme these days?  I have a book coming up next week (squee!) called Diamond Traditions and I called this block Tiara...do you think I'm a princess?!  My husband sure thinks so!  Anyway, here is my block:

I used the purple colorway of my fabric with Maywood Studio, Royal Gardens.  I love the way this block has a center that you can fussy-cut or use an interested print inside.  It was fun to make and there are so many possibilities to make a quilt with it.  Here are some ideas:
Simple on point with setting squares and triangles
With sashing and corner stones

Now for the fun part, my giveaways!  Quiltmaker has so generously offered to send a free copy to one lucky winner! 

I am also going to draw for another person to win a copy of my new book that comes out next week, Diamond Traditions.  Here is the cover: 

I will receive my copies on Tuesday so once that comes in, I will mail one out to the winner.  So, there will be two winners, one for the magazine and one for my book.  You don't need to enter twice, just leave a comment on this blog and I will pick my 2 winners.  Please include your email address so that I can contact you if you win.  Comment until Sunday night and I will announce the winners on Monday.  Here is the question that I want you to answer in your comment:  What inspires you to quilt?

For those of you new to my blog, check out my last few blogs, I have started a free Block of the Month and the instructions are included in my last blog.  Also, I am starting a new article called: Ask Monique, Ann Landers Type Quilting Questions.  I am super excited about doing this and if you send me a question and I answer it on my blog, I will send you a free pattern!

Thanks for joining me and enjoy the blog tour!!


Kathy H said…
Pretty block and I like the quilt that you showed with it. I get inspiration from the many blogs that I read and also from my quilting friends.
dquilterguy said…
Color!! Tiara is an Interesting block.. I want to try it in red, white, and blue. Thanks and congrats on your inclusion in 100 Blocks.
Sher7753 said…
I get inspired to quilt by reading the Quilting magazines, books, watching the videos and seeing the quilts that have been made and are shown at festivals and here on the internet.
hueisei said…
I want to say the beautiful quilts from the blogs inspired me.
Steph said…
What inspires me? I'm a fabric adict, and have to use it up. Seeing all these new blocks makes me want to get sewing. And being able to help people out in the process (Project Linus, etc.) makes it that much more rewarding.

Thanks for running the BOM. I've been collecting blocks, but hadn't put together exactly who was doing it.
Marcia W. said…
My inspiration comes from seeing quilts that others have made, whether on the internet, in a magazine, at the quilt shop, or one that one of my aunts has made. It also comes from having a group of fabric that I want to use. Then, there is God's nature and his wondrous works around us. It helps that my mother has more than 65 years of quilting experience and encourages me.
Martha Lane said…
Love your square!
Unknown said…
Beautiful colours and the cold winter nights inspirer me to make quilts. Your designs inspirer me too!
Anonymous said…

Your block is lovely and it is obvious that it earned a well deserved place in Volume 7 of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks.

That said, I really really, hope to win a copy of your new book. I like your quilting designs.
quiltonia said…
I like the way you explain directions for the patterns in your books. Thanks for the giveaway.
Kay Ahr said…
What inspires me to quilt? Well, I answer this question a lot. I used to sew my own clothes. I swore I would never be a quilter because I thought it would be boring. Then, golly, every time I moved to a different state, my clothing patterns shrank! :-) So what could I sew??!! Fell in love with an Eleanor Burns Pinwheels book while I was teaching math to 5th graders. Voila!! Quilt! Quilting makes geometry extra beautiful!
Anonymous said…
Love your block! I am inspired to quilt because it is my creative outlet. I love the feel and textures of fabric and enjoy seeing various colors and patterns coming together to form a beautiful quilt!
carla said…
Hi!!! Very pretty block and I love the name!!!! I am inspired by many things!!! But I love to look at quilts and blocks!!!! I also just love colors and love them put with other colors just to be pretty!!!! Thanks for the fun!!!!
Cindy Black said…
What inspires me fabrics, seeing quilts that other people make, colors, magazines are just to name a few things. I am doing your block of the month using pastels for my stash.
My inspiration I get for my quilts is usually a family moment or time and my surroundings.
Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net said…
Congrats! You had a block chosen to be in Vol. 7 and a new book coming out. I really like your block and your book looks interesting, too.
Lynda said…
Pretty fabrics and wonderful patterns help to fulfill a need to be creative. I like the old patterns and it gives me a connection to yesteryear.
WoolenSails said…
I am most inspired by antique quilts and their simplicity, love to redo them in my own versions.

Ginny Worden said…
Looking forward to both the magazine and the book. Thanks.
maggie said…
I love your Tiara block. So pretty. Congratulations on the new book!
Maureen said…
Thank you Monique for a chance at the give-away. Your book looks awesome & I certainly do judge a book by it's cover! LOL
My inspiration comes from people like you & the blogs you have. You can never learn enough so thank you for that.
mgw070 at shaw dot ca
Lavonna ZWB said…
Love the block. Thank you for sharing it with us. :)
Rhonda D. said…
I love your block! My inspiration for quilting would be my grandmothers. I used to watch them
when I was small, and learned from
them. Thanks for the chance to win!
Anonymous said…
I have just began getting into and trying to learn so mavbe your book could really do me some good. Thanks for the chance to win.
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com
"Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your accomplishments.
I quilt because I enjoy the process
of choosing a pattern and fabric and while doing so, become acquainted with the artists who
designed and created them. Although
I am familiar with some of the
quilters whose blocks have been
chosen for this issue, there are
many new to me.
ritainalaska said…
i read lots of blogs and shop newsletters now that are rich in inspiration, but when i started out a few years ago, each quilt i made was learning a technique, exprimenting with this or that. it was sew much fun! and that was the biggest inspiration ... the fun of making something unique, personal and fulfilling.
jrt14 said…
What a great block. I love it and I look forward to exploring your blog more. Thank you for a chance to win.
VickiT said…
What a great block Monique! I love how you've created this block with such an open center. That leaves so many ideas for me to think of because I have been doing machine embroidery since first getting back into sewing in late 2003. I can see using this block in so many ways.

I am still getting most of my inspiration from reading blogs.
Deb said…
When i read blogs and see beautiful quilts that others have created, that's very inspiring. Also a quilt along is very inspiring....it makes me want to join every time!
LeeAnn said…
A new pattern or magazine or a quilt on the internet inspires me to quilt!
Martha said…
Love your block. The new book looks intriguing too. Love pieced blocks with many pieces.
SewLindaAnn said…
I'm inspired to quilt by combining the act of making something useful with creativity and learning constantly.
KeyQuilter said…
Love your blog, the magazine & the book!
leanne said…
love your block and love the secondary circle pattern in the quilt mock-up :)
Anonymous said…
Congrats on having your block in the magazine! I love your blocks! I think the fabric inspires me. When I make a quilt for a friend or family member, the person inspires me - I think of the favorite colors, things they especially like. I choose fabrics & designs I know that would make them happy & comfy. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Carol B said…
Love love your block. Can't wait to get a copy of the magazine so I can make your block!! Congrats on being in Volume 7 of QM 100 Blocks magazine. It is so inspiring to me.

I am inspired to make quilts by the comfort they provide.
LJ said…
Inspiration comes in many forms. The concept of creating...the idea that you cut fabric and sew it together again...the historical fact that it was a recycling project and one that was necessary for the family...my grandmother's quilt...the beautiful fabrics, patterns, and blocks that I see...and on it goes!
Thanks for sharing the different ideas for layouts. Congrats on your new book.
Becky said…
I'm inspired to quilt by the need to create. I can't draw (well, haven't taken the time to overcome that conviction, at any rate) but I can stitch! I do many types of quilting, and especially love challenges.
barbara woods said…
i just love making blocks and turning them into quilt
Unknown said…
All of the wonderful fabrics and quilting block designs inspire me to quilt. So many possibilities. I love this block and how it looks in a quilt. Very nice.
Sally H. said…
I am inspired to quilt because it is a family tradition and I want to be part of that tradition and make beautiful quilts out of fabric that will be passed down to the next generations.
Joyful Quilter said…
Quilting friends are my biggest inspiration. I also like to take a pattern and make it my own - no kits for me.
Cathryn said…
People, nature, music, reading, all inspire my quilting. I quilt what makes me happy.
crazy quilter said…
I have a very stressful job so needing a creative outlet is what inspires me to quilt. I love Quilts and making them for family and friends.
Anonymous said…
My family inspires me to quilt...I love to make items that are functional as well as pretty...
Thanks for a chance to win...

Karen / mija314@yahoo.com
Michele said…
Antique quilts, new fabric, pictures on blogs inspire me.
Linda R said…
My grandchildren inspire me to quilt. I see so many quilt blocks that I can put together for a quilt for them.
Teresa Stonecypher said…
What inspires me to quilt? I love fabric and how it all comes together when you are building a quilt. I love the cutting of the fabric, sewing it into blocks, and watching the top come together. I guess I love the process as much as I love to sew.

Brenda J. said…
My inspiration comes from all the different scrappy fabrics I hoard and the possibilities Iearn about on-line. Love your tiara block! Congrats on being published for the 7th time and thanks very much for the chance to win!
Ellen said…
I get inspired to quilt when I see the new fabric lines either on line or in the stores.
Laurel said…
I've got to say that my husband is a great inspiration, in that he encourages me to find and do what is creative, for my own enjoyment and energy outlet.
Also, I belong to a fantastic group of quilters who are unique in their work and very generous in sharing what is their "specialty."
Gram999 said…
Congratulations on a new book & being published in the magazine.

I sew/quilt with 2 others once a week & we inspire each other. We email ideas back & forth. There isn't enough time to make everything we'd like.

Thanks for a chance to win.
Gloria said…
I am inspired by what i find in magazines and the blogs on the internet. I want to makes so many things I see.
apple blossom said…
love your block thanks for sharing
Anonymous said…
I like the variety of colors available, the need for a gift, the coolness of a certain pattern and the excitement of the various stages. ll_gee at hotmail
Carla G said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carla G said…
All the wonderful inspiring bloggers online are my main inspiration!! I turn on my computer each day and scroll through my facebook news feed and see lots of wonderful quilts! :)
bcgeates at netbistro dot com
Judy1522 said…
Great block I love how it looks made into a quilt. I have been sewing for many years and always wanted to make quilts but unfortunately the book I purchased years ago was not helpful. It basically said if you didn't sew the whole quilt by hand you were not quilting. Well, that was not for me. So many years down the road I was laid off from my job and decided maybe it was time to try quilting and so I turned to the internet. I was amazed at all the blogs out there and all the new techniques available for making a quilt and I became inspired and am still inspired by the blogs I read. I also am inspired by all the beautiful fabric designs.
prairiekat said…
What inspired me? You do, and the other many designers that have blocks and patterns on the internet. I think your Ann Landers column will be a real hit. I need to get a question to you after the QM tour is over. Keep up the good work.
Anonymous said…
I don't know what inspires me to quilt. It's just something that I have to do. I get my inspiration from everything around me. Congratulation on your block! Linda
SandyMay said…
The need to do something creative inspires me to quilt. Often something I see on someone's blog will light a spark sending me in a new direction. Great question and a great block. swalker287 (at) aol (dot) com
Unknown said…
I'm inspired by pictures and patterns in magazines and books, and by the fabrics themselves.
Judoff said…
Fabric!!! I love fabric and all the many wonderful things that you can do with it...Judy R from Buffalo
Walter said…
Gosh inspiration is just everywhere isn't it? Photos, magazines, daydreaming... Thks for participating
I'm inspired by color combinations. I like to see if I can translate a pretty combination into a pretty quilt. :D
Anonymous said…
What a great contribution to #7! Definitely you must be a princess.
hjs said…
I am inspired by all the many quilts and fabrics available today.
Lee said…
I love your Tiara block and you presvious posts for block of the month! Super blog! I am a new quilter and inspired by all the lovely quilting blogs!
Beautiful book cover! Should be a good one!
Jenn said…
I am new to quilting so what inspires me is the need to be creative and the desire to learn new techniques. I really like this block and would love to get my hands on your book! :) jennydoepker@gmail.com
Donna said…
It's all about color and fabric for me! I love piecing and hand applique, old blocks, new ideas, retro and modern. There just isn't enough time to make all the quilt blocks I want to try.
Jodi said…
To me it is seeing the fabric come together in a new way. The fabric is so beautiful by itself but when you piece it together into a quilt, you have something truly magical. Can't wait for your new book, there are definitely some magical designs within.
Stitches said…
I like trying new techniques and new ideas.
piecrust said…
Simply beautiful.
quiltnvan said…
I am inspired to quilt by the forms and colors of nature and the fabric in my stash! Thanks for sharing your blog.
lvankeuren1@yahoo.com - Lynn Van Keuren
Quilt Bug said…
blocks are a jumping off point for inspiration for me. Trying to recolor and adjust the setting makes it even more fun. Right now I'm making quilts for charities for our guild and quilts for my large family.
Laura G said…
I am inspired by a number of things color, texture, movement and patterns. The bottom line is that I love to play with fabrics. Thank you for the contest I am anxiously awaiting the release of the book.
I am impressed with your blocks and would love to have your new book! I mostly do scrap quilts and can definitely see this block done in scraps for a quilt with fantastic movement!
darlenekrystal@gmail.com said…
Great tiara block....part pineapple block and part secondary block cool...my family inspires me and nature inspires me...i love quilting...going on 40 years now...Have a great QM vol 7 day...
Lisa E said…
Inspiration comes from the blogs that I read and quilts shows. So many great bloggers out there!
Denise :) said…
Wow -- congratulations on the new book -- it looks like a lot of fun. So does your block!! :)
Mom C said…
I bought a small rug this morning and thought, this would be a great quilt or FMQ design. Everything makes me think of quilts. I didn't use to be like this but I like it this way too. I'd love a copy of your book, it looks wonderful. I already have a copy of the magazine. Thanks.
NewSooz said…
What inspires me most are the beautiful quilts others have made.
SewCalGal said…
Congratulations on being in Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks #7 and for your new book! Both look beautiful. I'm definitely wanting to check out your new book too!

Mary said…
I am inspired by other quilters who share, whether it be at my guild, in a magazine or book or in the vast world of the internet. Quilters are so generous with ideas and solutions. Pretty fabric is also very inspiring to me.
Love your block! Thanks for sharing the various settings.
Kathy said…
I love the creativity of taking fabrics apart and putting them back together again with a whole new look. I'm inspired by all those wonderful quilts around me! Love your block!
scottylover said…
Lots of things inspire me, it's hard to pin it down. I love looking at nature, artwork, architecture, and fabrics. I've been inspired by sayings, friendships, comments, and letters. Guess you could say I never know what is going to inspire me or when! :)

Sandy A
Vivian said…
Love your block! I am inspired by other quilters, them make it my own.
MaryBeth said…
love your block. Congrats.
mabear said…
Nature inspires me a great deal. I like to make beautiful things.
Lauriejo said…
I think watching my mom was my biggest inspiration.
Beth in MN said…
Love your Tiara block!!
Aby Dolinger said…
New fabric in the quilt shop inspires me to quilt.
I'm a new quilter (only since August 2012) and right now I get my inspirations from complete patterns or books. I haven't gotten brave enough to just "wing" it yet. Soon though!
Nancy Sue said…
Seeing the world through my 5 yr old son's eyes, inspires me with my quilting. He has my quirky sense of humor (ok, some would say cheesy) but it's wonderful to go on nature hikes and listen to his discoveries! Congrats on your 7th block :) AND your book coming out this week. Whata busy week for you!!!! Kudos!
Anonymous said…
I love the way that different fabrics play together.
Me gusta este bloque permite una gran posibilidad e juegos con él. Será interesante probarlo. Gracias.
WeedyMama said…
After 25 years quilting, your question is a little difficult to answer. I usually start with fabric for inspiration, but I have to say that the people I've met along the way have been an inspiration too. To "oh and ah" over someone else's work, suggest an idea or help solve a problem, or just stick my nose in someone else's project (gasp! I can't keep my mouth shut in a quilt shop.) keeps the creative juices flowing. Congrats on the new book. It must feel like having a baby.
Lovey block and love the secondary pattern as well. Congratulations on being in all seven issues, that's awesome! I love quilting and am inspired to do so for my family, for giving and leaving a part of me and history for one day. I'm going to check out your BOM and Ask Monique, sounds neat!

Thank you and Quiltmaker for a super giveaway and a chance to win. Congratulations on your new book, my fingers are crossed, hehe.

Michele said…
I have your other two books and am looking forward to your third.
Your block for this issue is very nice.
Donna W said…
Lots of things inspire me, nature, books/magazines, quilt shows. But, my quilting friends inspire me most. Their willingness to share techniques, show their beautiful work, and encourage me through the journey.
Nanbon44 said…
great job on your block. Might have to give it a whirl
Bernie said…
My family inspires me to quilt. I like to use fabrics and designs that reflect their interests.
Julie said…
Quilting is like painting with fabric and thread. I see quilt block patterns every where. Thanks for the chance to win.
Laurel said…
I watched my grandmother hand piece when I was a little girl and enjoyed the quilts that she gave her grandchildren. They were true gifts of love and my own children now have some of those quilts and feel the same love though they never knew her personally. That is what inspires me to quilt, especially for my grandchildren.

Julie S said…
Inspiration for me generally comes from reading quilt blogs. I'll see a lovely quilt, then realize I have "the perfect fabric" to make one just like it! Of course, now I have many many UFOs as a result....
Anonymous said…
I have always needed to have my hands busy and quilting fits the bill! I am inspired by antique quilts, fabric, and books.

WYO Di said…
Congrats on the block and the book! Inspiration comes in many forms, texture, life, color, emotions, other quilters....
Quilter Kathy said…
Blog land inspires my quilt patterns, but my desire to quilt was inspired by the fun of wrapping my loved ones in quilts I made especially for them!
Lisa said…
Congratulation on being in all of the magazines - and for your beautiful book. There are a lot of thing that inspire me to quilt: Right now, it's my first graders - we're making a quilt in my class that they've helped design and it's a delight. Usually it's color and pattern that inspire me though. quiltwoman0@gmail.com
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