Spades Revealed!

Sounds like a expose show, doesn't it?  Well, nothing like that but you get to see a quilt revealed!  Here is Spades, all done! 

Will wonders never cease?  I actually have it quilted too.  I know what you are thinking...over-achiever!  But, that is not true.  Market is only 2 1/2 weeks away and I need it for my booth so I had to get it done.  My talented quilter, LeAnne Olson, quilted it quickly for me so I would have it for both Market and the reveal.  Here is a close-up of her fantastic quilting.

Yummy backing!

Also, it's time for the Fat Quarter Winners winner! (ruler winner too!)  It's Deb, who said:

"Love the book and there are several quilts that I'd like to make. Thanks for the chance to win!" 

Congratulations, Deb!!

Don't forget to stop by Thelma's blog tomorrow to see her big reveal.  You are in for a wonderful treat!

Thanks for touring with us and hope to see you on the next tour!


Nicole said…
That is just gorgeous Monique! What a different look you achieved from the original Spades in the book! It just goes to show how using your imagination with fabrics can create completely unique quilts, even when using the same pattern. LeAnne's quilting is the perfect finish too!
Lisa D. said…
What a beautiful quilt. It's another favorite of mine from the book. I love your fabrics.
Candace said…
Spades is wonderful, Monique! I love the backing and the quilting is fantastic? Congratulations to your winner - this has been lots of fun!
Marcia B said…
I'm loving each new quilt you gals post!!! This is a "MUST HAVE" book! :)

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