Last two Craftsy quilts

Here are the last two Craftsy quilts that I designed for their new fabric.  Here's hoping the kits will be available today!  I will keep you posted. 

From Colonial Manor,Welcome Home combines white and red prints to create a traditional basket and log cabin block quilt. 

Finally, Looking Glass is made using Aura Blenders fabrics.
Thanks for stopping by!


Unknown said…
Hi, is it possible to buy the pattern without the quilt kit. If so where can I purchase it? PDF preferred as international shipping cost are high. Thanks
Unknown said…
Hi, is it possible to buy the pattern without the quilt kit. If so where can I purchase it? PDF preferred as international shipping cost are high. Thanks
Cheryl sears said…
I too want tbe pattern only. I have bought jelly roll, pak of quarters, small squares and more. So i need the pattern not more fabric. I will buy what e,tra i need.
Hope said…
I too want tbe pattern only.

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