And the Winners Are...

The winner of the first Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks is:
judy1522 said...I like having all the different blocks available in one magazine. It really is fun to look through it and see all the different designs. Your block is beautiful!
The winner of the second signed copy Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks is: 
bertiequilts said...I love the patterns in Quiltmaker... they are very clear and easy to follow. thanks for the giveaway


Thank you everyone for taking the time to make your wonderful comments on my blog!

I was just at a retreat this weekend in New Hampton, IA.  My good friend, Denise, owns an awesome shop called Quilter's Window.  It was our third annual Dealer's Choice Retreat.  For the past 3 years, I have taught from my fat quarter books through C&T Publishing.  This year I taught from Diamond Traditions.  The quilts that the students made were Marquis and Diamonds and Pearls.  Here are my quilts from the book:
Diamonds and Pearls
Here are some of the different quilts from the class:

Marquis done in fall colors

Marquis done in blues and creams   

Students busy working!

Another Marquis done in reds, blacks and one background.

One of my favorite aspect of teaching is getting to see all the different colorways that people use to make their quilts.  It's amazing how they look so different!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said…
Every top is beautiful. Would love to have been there.

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