Star Puppy

That's what they call a puppy who passes the puppy kindergarten class.  Guess what!?!  We passed!!  I was so proud of her last night!  She did everything that she was supposed to and made me proud.  I was more nervous than she was but she showed how much she had learned and how great she can be!  We had a celebration after and each puppy got a certificate, treats and a toy.  The instructor put the toys in a pile in the middle of the ring and each puppy got to pick which one they wanted.  So, she would announce the owner and the puppy and everyone would clap and they would go get there certificate and get to pick their toy.  It was the cutest thing, each puppy went up, picked their toy and walked away.  They just knew which one they wanted.  Puppies are the best!  Here are some pictures of Tillie during her test.  

Tillie giving her instructor some love.

Also, Molly, the Bernese Mountain dog.  She is the cutest dog and SO friendly!

Here is Ginger, a Doberman Pincher going through her paces.  How fun is this?!

If you noticed, there are some new things at Open Gate.  I am updating my website so it's a bit different but it needed a face lift.  I have a new blog.  I have this wonderful lady, Kassie Garlock who has updated my blog and made it easier for everyone to use.  There is a subscription button and it will automatically update my blog on Facebook.  It is fresh and fun and I hope you like it!

I am also going to be doing some blog hops coming up in April and May.  I will be posting those soon!  

Only a few more weeks and Fat Quarter Winners will be out!  I'm pretty patient in general but it has been hard to wait to see it!  I haven't even gotten my advance copy yet and check the mail anxiously every day.  

Sorry that it has been so long since I did my last post but I was down with Strep throat and have been behind because of it.  I'm much better and trying to catch up. 

Talk to you soon!


Carrie said…
Tillie is a STAR!

Like we didn't already know that. I do have a question though ~ didn't at least one of the puppies try to pick up more than one toy? Or try to get someone else's toy?

The new blog-look is terrific! Good job with that -- and FEEL BETTER SOON!

Last thing -- can you call those folks at C & T and tell them to hurry up! We're waiting out here and not too patiently, thank you very much!

Feel better!

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