Table Talk Blog Tour

Welcome everyone to day 3 of the Table Talk Blog Tour!  If you haven't checked out the other days of the tour, here is the schedule:

Posting every day of the week: Gudrun Erla - GE Designs :

Monday May 23rd: Kimberly Jolly - Fat Quarter Shop :

Tuesday May 24th: Sandy Gervais - Pieces From My Heart :

Wednesday May 25th: Monique Dillard - Open Gate Quilts : me :)

Thursday May 26th: Kate Spain - Kate Spain Designs  :

Friday May 27th: Kansas City Star - Diane McLendon :
Make sure that you check them out!
Gudrun generously gave me a copy of her book to review and use.  She is also giving a book to one lucky winner who comments on my blog. 
There are several projects that I love and really want to do. 
One is called Wrap it Up Runner and is made from Colorful Christmas by my Mind's Eye for Riley Blake.  At Market, I had noticed My Mind's Eye and loved their fabric designs so I was so excited to see that Gudrun had used them in her book.  The tablerunner is whimsical and fun and would be a great Christmas present, especially for yourself!  I am thinking that I might just have to make one or two!

The project that she made using my fabric Olde World Style is called French Inspiration and is absolutely gorgeous!  She used the Fleur de Lis print as the center and added a Fleur de Lis applique on top of it.  Isn't it wonderful?  She made it as a quilt as you go project with a fusible center.  Quick and easy and fun to make!

Not only does she include the wonderful projects but she also has some great recipes included in the book.  On the topper, she has a piece of the Chicken & Spinach Quiche.  It's a bonus to get these yummy recipes!

To be entered in the drawing for this wonderful book, make a comment on food...salt or sweet?  What is your favorite?  And if you had to choose, what would it be?  I will leave the drawing open until Saturday night and will announce the winner on Monday, May 30th. 

I will have more to post about Market so make sure you keep stopping by!  Also, I am planning another blog tour for the beginning of July...lots of giveaways and surprises so keep reading!


Dorian said…
I love these blog hops, so much fun! I am a salt person, much prefer some chips over candy/baked goods...although I like those too ;)
Ooo another exciting. I love these hops. Such great fun. Thank you for playing along.
Lin S said…
Enjoying the hop!!
Pat said…
Love your Olde Worlde fabric. It made such an elegant table topper using Gudrun's pattern. I like quiche as an all around dish to make for brunch, lunch or dinner.
Elinborg Dagmar Lárusdóttir said…
like both sweet and how can I choose ??? but I love these blog hops and this cute litle table topper which Guðrún Erla calls French Inspiration
Amanda Dickson said…
Sweets are my down fall...especially brownies! Love the quilt/cookbook combination of this book!
Shannon Wallace said…
I have a very huge sweet tooth!! And good! LOL Thank you for the blog hop. :o)
Louise in Iowa said…
Salt - definitely salt! I'll take crackers, chips, and crunchy stuff any day (even over chocolate). After reading your blog today, I have a double dilemma - a new topper I want to make and a new recipe I want to try. Thanks!
Debbie B Sam said…
I think I would have to go with salty, but love to put potato chips in my ice cream, so both is the best! Thanks for the chance to win, love the table topper made from your fabric!
JuliaP said…
Definitely a chocolate person, preferably dark! Loved the use of your fabric as one of the projects. Thanks for being part of this great blog hop!
Lisa England said…
Definitely sweet for me! Chocolate, strawberry shortcake, ice cream...I like it all. That being said, I better head to the gym!
Definitely sweet - but...have you tried the M&Ms with the pretzel in the middle? You get both sweet and salty - yum! Thanks for the blog hop!
Darlene B said…
I would really love to win this book! I am into making small accent pieces for different rooms in my home (mainly due to time constraints). But it's amazing how those little touches really warm up a room!
Anonymous said…
Sweet-hands down! Even as a little girl I didn't like pretzels or potato chips BUT I sure can chow down the sugar. I'm a sucker for cheesecake or pie or especially banana caramel crepes.
VickiT said…
Oh my gosh! I LOVE French Inspiration! It's awesome. Immediately upon seeing that picture I knew even more that I must own this book. I have a friend who collects all things Fleur de Lis and because of that, I have been collecting a lot of Fleur de Lis machine embroidery designs to make something for her. I recently got an absolutely gorgeous Fleur de Lis embroidery design which has swirls running through the design itself and it would be perfect in the French Inspiration pattern, especially with that gorgeous fabric.

Anyway, to answer your question ~ salty or sweet? YES PLEASE! LOL It really depends on my mood because I like both. But, if forced to choose one it would probably be sweet since I love to cook and bake and in making a meal or large gathering menu I always have the desserts chosen first. LOL I guess that says it all that sweet would be my first choice.

Thanks for being part of the blog tour for this awesome looking book so I could see the French Inspiration pattern.
Donna said…
Wrap it Up is lovely and perfect for my livingroom table. Happy quilting!
Anonymous said…
What a neat idea, a blog hop!
Great way to get introduced to new blogs that are out there.
I really can't stay away from "sugar". I love to bake and try new things all the time.

I have a sign in my kitchen that says: "There's a skinny girl inside of me trying to get out, but I can usually shut her up with cookies".
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Nancy said…
I prefer sweet foods. When I was younger, the cookie jar always had fresh cookies in it. Now I'm paying for those good treats! I really like your Olde Worlde fabric and the pattern used with it for the runner!
Monica Moura said…
Blog hops is always fun!!! I love Wrap it Up Runner too... it's on my to do list with French Inspiration!!! About your food question: Salt... always salt!! I love your blog Monique (and your work!)... so will keep stopping by!
Syd said…
This is such a fun blog hop! I would have breakfast 3 times a day if my family would let me. What's wrong with pancakes for dinner? Love the quilt/cookbook combo!!!
Kelly said…
Love both salty and sweet! Love the book.
Dee said…
Love your Fat Quarter Winners Book - need to get my hands on that a.s.a.p. So enjoying the hop and glad I found your blog!
Patty V said…
Okay a few years ago I would have to say sweet I think I'm both....Depends on my mood which I'm craving.
Thanks for participating in the blog tour, it's always fun to check out a new blog.
Colleen G said…
I love short term projects that have "pow" and can be tailored for the recipient and these ideas look just like that. I am drawn to sweets and fight that attraction daily. That's why the sewing machine is no where close to the kitchen.
Jocelyn said…
Oooooo the quiche looks so yummy. Salt or sweet, hummm...... hard to decide here, but I think I lean towards salt. And my BP is showing for it :-( This book looks awesome! Thanks!
Lois said…
Blog hops are so much fun. Now, to decide if I prefer salty or sweet! Can't I have both such as a big handful of kettle corn?
I love the table runners.
JudyCinNC said…
I am definitely a combo girl - nothing better than a bowl of popcorn and a dark chocolate bar to be devoured at the same time. Lovely giveaway and awesome opportunity. Judy C
DebrafromMD said…
I definitely tend toward the sweet side of the spectrum. I love that there are recipes in this book.
allcounty said…
Sweets all the way :) Your book sound wonderful as well as Gudruns
sndy1 said…
Anything with chocolate-how about dark chocolate peanut butter pretzels? Yummy!
Andra said…
Loving the hop! I love both salty and sweet at the same time, potato chips and M&M's one of my fav combos, but if I had to pick I would say sweet.
Mary Ann said…
I really like sweet but do get cravings for salty too!! Like your fabric line.
Tuesday Girls said…
Enjoying the Hop. Salty or sweet? I think it depends on how I feel.
Laine said…
I am enjoying this hop. I will have to say I am a sweet person. Have to have my chocolate.
Linda said…
I want to say salt....I love nuts and chips but chocolate wins so my fave is sweet. I'm liking the small projects I see coming from this book. I'm hoping to win one.
Pamela said…
I like chocolate almost as much as quilting, so I guess you can put me on the sweets side of the debate!
Christie said…
"Salt or Sweet?" Why not both together!!! My favorite (non-chocolate)candy is a salted nut roll! If I had to choose one, it would depend on the mood I am in.
I commented to Gudrun today, her French Inspiration is fabulous, I love your fabrics that she used. I really want to make this table topper! Thanks for sharing on this hop. I am going to be reading you from now on. Looking forward to your next hop. HUGS... and stitches
emmy said…
I really like to see items made with a line of fabric. The topper Gudrun made is so pretty. I am definitly a salt person. Can't imagine having popcorn or corn on the cob without it.
Sallie said…
I like sweet - brownies, chocolate chip cookies, cheesecake. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the chance of winning Table Talk! As to salt or sweet - well sweet wins hands down, and it is best when served as anything with chocolate in it! :)
Gayle said…
I hope chocolate is considered a food, cuz that's MY favorite! LOL Fun blog hop - and I'm glad you enjoyed your visit here in SLC for Market!
I like sweet. Your Olde Worlde fabric is lovely.
I like to combine the two sometimes, but i mainly go for salty things. I am excited about the book!
Sharon S said…
Sweet, chocolate wins every time! Looking forwardt o your July hop. Thanks for doing this.
Cathie said…
Hops are always fun! I think I would choose sweet. Gotta have chocolate! I plan to take a look at your book. Thanks for the hop!
I like both salty and sweet...but the edge might go to salty chips!
Linda said…
I like sweet----the recipes from the new book look very good----I love the little table topper---amazing fabric..thanks for the chance to win...
Kathy S. said…
I love a mixture of sweet and salty, such as chocolate covered pretzels or trail mix. thanks for the blog hop-I look forward to the one in July.
Mary said…
Your fabrics are wonderful! Sweets, unfortunately. They're more of a downfall to me than a quilt shop. Although - a sweet is even better with a bit of salt added.
Tammy said…
I have a sweet tooth, so I guess I'd have to say Sweet. The quiche recipe sounds scrumptious. I want this book in the worst way.
Janet said…
Definitely salt. Potato chips - yum. Shrimp cocktail - yummy. Nachos - yummier. You get the picture....
Quilt n Queen said…
I luv anything sweet or salty....even salt and sweet together....peanuts and candy corn....yum!! I'm luving these blog hops....thanks for participating in the 'Table Talk Blog Tour"
grammyx4 said…
Well for me it is salt or savory. And love French bread... over chocolate cake. Thanks for the giveaways...
Amy said…
I crave both. But my favorite craving is a sweet treat - chai tea latte!
Cecilia said…
I'm enjoying this blog tour. I think both salt and sweet are great. I really like to mix the two together. At Christmas I make chocolate covered pretzels and they taste great.
Anonymous said…
I have a hard time deciding between sweet and salty. I like them both! But I guess if I HAD to choose, I would choose sweet first.

Thanks for sharing :)
Denise said…
Love your Olde Worlde fabric and it looks perfect made up as the French inspiration topper. That is one I would love to make for myself. For food I love both salt and sweet--the quiche pictured on the quilt looks so good.
I like the sweet food that is. Thank's for the giveaway!
Liz said…
This blog is fun -- love seeing all the lovely runners -- and a chance to win the book with all the patterns is awesome. Salt or Sweet that's a hard question. I think it would be salt because salty items are usually crunchy and I love crunchy -- BUT I love caramel, too!
Candace said…
Since I already have the book, please don't count my name in the drawing Monique. But I will say if I had to chose - sweet for sure!
Cotton Blossom said…
I love the Olde World fabric. That is a really pretty table topper. Nice to meet you Monique. I'll be back to read more! Thanks
Marcia W. said…
I like both salt and sugar and have been known to eat cheezits with my chocolate ice cream. Thanks for the hop. Would enjoy Gudrun's book as like her patterns.
P.S. I won a copy of your new book and made one Whist block with a border... and also made your Black Pearl block from QM 100 Blocks v3 ... both are going into a sampler quilt that is a WIP. Everyone who has seen your Black Pearl block loves it!
Pat V. said…
Sadly for me, my favorite is sweet! (and my waistline can attest to the truth of this!) My absolute favorite thing in the world is real, Belgian chocolate (from Belgium -- need i say more?)
raejt2000 said…
Definitely sweet!
mama dub said…
I have a real sweet tooth (unfortunately) and chocolate is a real weakness for me. This looks like a great book and love the idea of recipes along with the patterns.
Sweet~ as in chocolate! lol Thanks for the fun!
Mary said…
The blog hop is fun. I wish I could win the book. But if I don't I know I will buy the book. Thank you.
Sweet, no question about it. Chocolate all the way, lol.
Love your beautiful fabric and the table topper in the book.
Alda, Fl
sue said…
I'm definitely a sweet person! Have to have chocolate every day. I'm anxious to see your new book - I saw a quilt named Rummy (I think) on a blog which I liked very much.
Nancy E said…
Love the Wrap it Up Runner! I prefer Sweets, chocolates are my weakness.
Ginny Worden said…
Today, mny favorite food would be chocolate, and lots of it. Of course if the chocolate was on a lovely plate, on a great looking runner, it would be a true feast.
Anonymous said…
It truly depends on the day whether it's french fries or chocolate...although I have a bowl of chocolate in my maybe it is more chocolate...or cookies...or bars...or pie...or cheetos...oh what a question!!!
Jessica Rassler said…
I enjoyed reading your blog today and thank you for participating in this blog tour! I am both...sweet and salt. If I eat something salty then I need to finish off with something sweet. Thanks!
Kim said…
What a great idea quilting and food in the same book! Food depends on the day, but I probably tend to lean more to the sweet side. Lately carrot cake for some reason.
Peach Rainbow said…
I like both - but mostly sweet!
Thanks for the chance :D
Kathy MacKie said…
I'm a salt person thoughif all that was left was a sweet I'd force myself to do it justice too! Love the blog hops too!
Annika Pettersson said…
Here I am, hopping from blog to blog and holding my thumbs on the way. I will visit here again for sure.
Lee said…
I love the blog hops and reviews. Thank you!
Ladybug said…
I'm a salt person all the way. I can ignore a bowl of chocolates for hours but put out some chips and I've caved within a minute.
Diane H said…
Thanks, great hop! Like a bit of both - sweet & salty.
Sunnybec said…
I go through phases sometimes I crave chocolate and nothing but chocolate then on other days is salty crisps or nuts...last week it was chocolate brownies, this week its salted cashew nuts....I must be ruled by the moon LOL.
WandaFish said…
I generally prefer savoury to sweet, although I love a good, dark chocolate.
Blue cheese and biscuits would be a perfect snack for me (with a glass of red wine!)
Thanks for taking part in the hop - I love discovering blogs! Thanks also for the wonderful giveaway :)
ann said…
I love these blog hops, it is so fun to follow along. I have to say I am a sweets person - cannot do without chocolate!
Kd Brown said…
Gotta be sweet for me. What great new designs in Gudrun's wonderful book. I love it!
Mary said…
I love sweet! Cookies, candy, chocolate, cake, you name it! But salt and sweet together like in kettle corn is awesome, too.
elaine said…
Long hours at work yesterday, so didn't get a chance to "hop" until this morning. Salty for me. Thanks for the chance to win...
Cory said…
Sometimes it's salty, sometines it's sweet, depending on my mood. thank you for participating in this wonderful Tour. I would love to win Gudrun's book. Take care and God bless, Cory
Anonymous said…
ytsmom said…
I love sweets, but after dessert, I always need a bite of savory to get the sweet taste out of my mouth!
Bunny said…
I prefer salty, but I'd never refuse a piece of dark chocolate either!
Diana said…
I would say I will choose a bit of sweetness over the taste of salt. Yet there are the times a craving for salt is there.
Becky said…
Absolutely no doubt about it, I am sweets gal. Nothing better than a hot, chocolate chip cookie with fresh hot coffee:) Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! I love fleur de lis fabric (it's a Louisiana thing) Will look for your fabric in my area!
The Rx quilter said…
Sweet..and more sweet...I follow Buddy the Elf's four food groups...cotton candy is my fav! Lisa in Texas
Sandy said…
Great idea for a book - quilts and recipes. Especially quick and easy recipes - more time for quilting. Always have to have dessert
Deb said…
I'm enjoying the blog tour! And would love to win the book. I'm a sweet salty person! I love bbq chips, cashews, and popcorn...but I'd do a lot for a brownie, too! The best of both worlds!
Amy V said…
I love sea salt caramels. A little salty a lot sweet.
Anonymous said…
I like my salty mixed with sweet as in Chocolate Covered Pretzels!
Deb said…
Normally I's say sweet, but lately I've been on a salty I guess it just depends on the day. Thanks for the chance!!
Karen said…
It's sweet for me and it has to be chocolate - dark chocolate because it's good for you right? That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Love your fabric, the pattern and the book!
Angela N. said…
Im ready for strawberries to start making a frequent appearance at my house... as long as we can get the dog to stop eating them! I like the same runner!! Im thinking what fun it would be to show up at the family Christmas party and throw it on my mother in laws table!
Anonymous said…
Looks like a great book! Thanks for the chance! hesabella(at)gmail(dot)com
Jane Biles said…
I have to say that sometimes it's sweet and other times, it's salty! And Gudrun has done that with her new book! So many great ideas that would work with so many of the new fabrics that are available to us! Thanks for sharing in the blog hop!
Sadie said…
I would pick sweet every time :-) and if I had to narrow it down further I would have to say either cheesecake or ice-cream, or both! YUM!
Thank you for the chance to win :-)
Beth said…
That Wrap It Up runner is so cute. This blog hop is the BEST!!!!
Phase 10 said…
Thanks again for the blog post.Much thanks again. Want more.
Rummy said…
Thank you for your great post. This blog is great.

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