Fit to be Quarter Winners

Hi all!

Back from Market and catching up on things.  I wanted to post the Fit to be Quarter winners and then will blog more about Market later this week.  The two winners are:

pcflamingo who said:

"Gotta be my rotary cutter. Or my Easy Angle ruler. Or my snips. Color me indecisive."

Henrietta who said:

"My favorite quilting tool is my seam ripper. I use it for lots of other things not just frog stitching. It is useful to flip a seam over (or under) while stitching, tease threads out of seams when pressing or guide when curved piecing.

I have always bought the cheap blue ones (naming no names) but got very tired of them simply snapping. I have been pleased with the Fons and Porter ergonomic handle one, worth every penny."

Thanks everyone for participating!

Look for the next blog hop to be starting next week!  It will be with Gudrun Erla from GE Designs and her new book will be featured.  Table Talk is published by Kansas City Star and is a wonderful compilation of table toppers, table runners and family treats.  She even used Olde World Style in one of her designs and it graces the cover!  So, make sure you come back to visit the blog hop and see her wonderful new book.

See you later this week!


Candace said…
Congrats to the winners! Can't wait to read your market report, Monique - I'm sure you had lots of fun!
Henrietta said…
I am SO excited! Thank you.
Chris said…
Lucky ladies!
Just had an email from Amazon UK apologising for no book yet - they havent received them from their supplier :( Hopefully not too long a delay!
Chris x
Sherri said…
So nice to meet you at market, Monique!
Carrie said…
Glad you're back! Hope you had fun at Market... but not TOO much fun. :::bwwaaaaa:::

Have fun with the blog hop. I look foward to seeing Gudrun's book!

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