Diamond Traditions Blog Tour Starts Monday!

Hi Everyone!

We are starting a blog tour on Monday, June 17th for Diamond Traditions.  A few of my wonderful friends, who happen to be bloggers, will be joining me.  Here is the schedule:

Monday - Thelma from Cupcakes ‘n Daisies ~ cupcakesndaisies.blogspot.com
Tuesday - Denise from Quilter’s Window ~ Quilterswindow.com/blog/
Wednesday - Lisa from Stashmaster ~ The-Stashmaster.blogspot.com 
Thursday - Sherri from A Quilting Life - aquiltinglife.blogspot.com
Friday - me - http://opengatequilts.blogspot.com/

We will be doing giveaways and of course showing quilts too!

Please join us starting Monday.

Last night, I had the pleasure of meeting Carrie from Miss Rosie's Quilt Company and Sherri from A Quilting Life for dinner.  They were up in Madison for a retreat and we met in Janesville, WI for dinner.  Here is a picture of us.  It was so much fun and I always enjoy meeting old friends and making new ones.  I had met Sherri before but don't know her that well.  It was so nice to get to chat with her and get to know her a bit better.  I will tell you, those two know a lot about quilting!  I will great to be able to catch up with Carrie and enjoy a wonderful dinner, interesting conversation and a few laughs!  Here is a picture of the three of us at dinner.

Carrie, me and Sherri
Hope to see you all on Monday!


Thelma said…
How fun, and you even had leftovers!
Helen L said…
Lucky you!! I'll bet it was alot of fun!! And I look forward to the blog tour Monday!!

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