Diamond Traditions Blog Tour - Day 2

Welcome back!  It's day 2 of our Diamond Traditions Blog Tour and it's Denise from Quilter's Window's day. 

I met Denise at Quilt Market quite years ago and we hit it off right away.  We became friends and have been ever since.  Denise is one of my favorite people and we even get together to do fun, personal retreats once a year.

Denise will blog about the quilt that she chose so make sure that you get to her blog

If you didn't see yesterday's blog, you might have missed that each blogger is giving us a bit of an idea of who they are.  Make sure that you learn a little bit Denise on her blog.

Also, I asked each of the bloggers to send me a quilt that best represents them.  Here is Denise's:

Denise says:  "Flower Box as a quilt that represents me." and as you can see some of the writing on the quilt tells you why.

Hope you are enjoying the blog hop and getting to know us a bit better!


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