Blogger Girls Block of the Month - Block #1

It's finally here!  Time for the Blogger Girls Block of the Month, block #1.  Click on this link to get the block instructions:  Block #1  I have set up a page on my website for the instructions and pictures.

Here is Version 1 using Royal Gardens:

 Here is Version 2 using Royal Gardens
The cutting and instructions are designed to use the Fit to be be Geese ruler and this is the first step in making the block.

Sew the red triangle onto the brown triangle with the bottom aligned.  Press out.  Sew the other red triangle on in the same manner and press out.

Line up the roof line of the ruler along the seam and trim the top.  The 1/4" is already built in.

Rotate the piece and line up the 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" black line on the bottom of the flying geese where you just trimmed.  Trim the top.

Rotate the ruler and sandwich the piece between the 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" red lines with the center red line going through the seam.  Trim.

Rotate the piece one more time and line up the 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" all the way around.  Trim the final side. 

Next, put the center of the block together.

Make flying geese using your second red and main background in the same manner as above.

Make 1/2 square triangles using the second red and main background by drawing a line on the back of the main background squares from corner to corner.  Place the drawn square with right sides together with the red square.  Sew 1/4" from each side of the line and cut apart.  Square to 2 1/2" using the Fit to be Quarter ruler.

Using the second red flying geese and the 1/2 square triangles make the following units:

Now, you can put the block together!  Here it is using Double Chocolat from Moda.  Yes, I am making another version with the help of my friend Kathy! 

Make sure that you check out the other blogger's versions.  Here is the list of the participating bloggers:

Sherri from A Quilting Life -
Thelma from Cupcakes ‘n Daisies ~
Lissa from Moda  Lissa  ~
Denise from Quilter’s  Window ~
Nicole from Sister’s Choice  ~
Lisa from Stashmaster ~

Anyone can sew along with us so make sure that you get your free pattern and sew, sew, sew!!

One more thing, we are posting our block on a flickr account under the group name of Blogger Girls BoM.  Please join us by posting your blocks.  We would LOVE to see them!!

Until next time!


SasNi said…
The Quilt looks fantastic, would love to join.
Just printing the instrucions and will look for fabric.
Jocelyn said…
Your block is beautiful!
kshackabq said…
Thank you, Monique, for this fun project to start off 2013. Your blocks are gorgeous, and all the other variations as well. Looking forward to participating.
Anita said…
Thanks for the free pattern! I love how everyone's blocks are coming along :)
CathyK said…
Thank you so much for this opportunity! It sure looks fun! :)
Anonymous said…
This will be new to me as i just have finished 2 hand qilted bags in hexagons. Looking forward to it. Need to get me the correct ruler sometime or other... Looking forward to learning.... Blessings Diane
Anonymous said…
This will be new to me as i just have finished 2 hand qilted bags in hexagons. Looking forward to it. Need to get me the correct ruler sometime or other... Looking forward to learning.... Blessings Diane
Rosa said…
The blocks look fabulous,but I don´t have that fantastic ruler,poor me.
Anonymous said…
etThe block is beautiful and anxious to do the next block. I do have a looks like the sashing may take some it possible to get the sashing pattern sooner so we can be working on it as well as blocks.
Dianne Mitzel said…
completed my first block, and plan to make another the ruler, I've had it quite a while, first time using it. Looking forward to having a quilt when we complete these lovely blocks..Thank you, not a blogger, but love yours!!
Anonymous said…
Very useful Article, Great!!! I will be back here future for more interesting posts. Good effort. Thanks
Aissa said…
i definitely liked everything posted in your website, its educational and useful. thanks for penning this.

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