Quiltmakers 100 Block Giveaway Winners

Hi Everyone!

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting!  All the good wishes for my husband are so much appreciated!  He seems to be doing better and I am so thankful for that.

I really enjoyed learning all about your favorite flowers and some of the reasons that you like them.  I even learned of some new flowers and remembered some that I had forgotten.

Here are the winners of the drawings:

Quiltmakers 100 Blocks Volume 5 goes to:

1.  Quilt Hollow said...

I love flowers with fragrance however tulips are near and dear to my heart because I was fortunate and got to live in The Netherlands for four years during hubby's military career. I looked forward to Keukenhof each year and all the variety of tulips and COLOR! Thanks for the chance...I've been seeing many post about your rulers too!

8 Fit to be Quarter 2.5:

1.  Joyce said...

So sorry that your husband is ill...hope for a speedy recovery. Lilacs are just blooming in Maine and smell heavenly. Would love to win. Thanks.

2.  Wilma said...
My favorite spring flowers are hyacinths. The scent is heavenly.
I would like to make your block in the colors of hyacinths.

3. Janet said...
My favorite flowers are white ones. Hope your husband is doing well and congrads on the block!

4. Ginny Worden said...
Love your rulers, and my favorite spring flower is a tulip, probably be ause it reminds me of my mother.

5.  Julia said...

 Lilacs, since they remind me of home. Thanks for the super giveaway!

6.  Marcia W. said...

Wow! So many prizes. Thank you for the lovely giveaway. I used one of your blocks in a quilt that I completed this year. My favorite flower is the Iris - purple and blues. My thoughts are with you for your husband's steady recovery.

7.  Susan Jonsson said...
I have a profusion of sweet wildish yellow poppies....I guess they are my current favorite. Thank you for the chance to win.


8.  Patti said...
My favorite spring flower is the lily of the valley. I love the smell of them.

3 Fit to be Geese rulers:

1.  Pat V. said...

 My favorite spring flower is the sunny, cheerful daffodil. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

2. Cindy said...

My favourite SPRING flower is daffodils, but my absolute favourite flowers are Asiatic lilies. Thanks for the chance(s) to win! :)

3. Purl Buttons said...

Today, my favorite flower is iris. If you ask again on another day, I may have changed my mind!

2 Mini Fit to be Geese rulers:

1.  BizyStitches said...

Congrats on your lovely block. I would have to say yellow daffodils are really nice in the spring. Thanks for the many chances to win. I love rulers.

2.  Phyldar said...
Pansies have always been my favorite flower - my grandmother always had a huge bed of them when I was growing up (all colors) and I loved to set by it and just soak up the beauty! Great block!


Just a reminder, if you have won and haven't received an email from me, please check your SPAM or email me at info@opengatequilts.com so I can get your address and send you your prize.  

Thanks for participating and hope to hear from everyone again soon!


Marcia W. said…
Thank you very much for the prize award. Hope that Market is a productive and enjoyable event for you!
David Haas said…
I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could email me?

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