Tillie Update

It's been a while since I talked about Tillie.  She is now 9 months old.  A week and a half ago she got spayed and it doing well.  The first night and the next morning, she was drowsy.  By the time I got home from work the next day, she was back to the old Tillie.  She is a pistol!  I have been traveling a lot this past month and I think she saves her energy just for me.  I'm like her personal playmate!  Here she is checking me out.

Thursday is grooming day.  This will be a first for her and will prove to be very interesting.  We used to bring the dogs to a groomer but I found a wonderful mobile groomer.  She comes to the house, plugs in and takes the dogs into her trailer.  It's so nice because these is little stress for both the dog and me.  She is very gentle with the dogs and is done in about 1 hour.  Love it!  Tillie is very energetic so I'm not sure how she will do with the groomer.  She doesn't sit still so the groomer is in for a challenge.  Wish her luck!

Maple and Tillie

Last week, Tillie had a tick in her ear.  Okay, so remember when I said I was a girly girl?  Well, ticks are at the top of my most disliked bugs.  They creep me out.  I am always checking the dogs to make sure that they don't have any bugs or anything on them and I found this nasty little bug.  Bill and I had to hold Tillie down and put some nail polish on it to suffocate it.  Then, forget trying to pick it off.  She wouldn't let me get near her ear.  Every time I reached for her, she would run away or wiggle when I got her.  Frustrating!  So, we had to make a trip to the vet.  Bill wasn't too thrilled but we had to get it out!  Now you can see what the poor groomer is going to go through!  She is not a mean dog, just very jumpy and she doesn't like what she doesn't like!  (Kind of like her mom!  :)

I will post some "after" pictures of her when she gets shaved and let you know how it goes.  Will post more later this week on my travels the last few weeks. Before:

Thanks for stopping by!


gail said…
toooo cute!!!! Wonder what Tillie would do with Grace & Reese ???
Candace said…
Miss Tillie is a sweetie and looks like she and Maple are fast friends! I didn't know about the nail polish trick - I suspect that works on humans, too! Thanks, Monique! Can't wait to see Tillie's new "do"!
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Thelma said…
I can't get enough of your adorable dogs! I didn't realize sheep dogs were such low maintenance. Poor Cooper he gets groomed every 3 weeks and has since he was around 6 months old. HIs hair grows right before our eyes. That first haircut will probably make Tillie look more like a young lady and less like a pup, I can hardly wait to see the after pictures. I hope you all survived the first haircut!

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