Quiltmaker 100 Block Blog Tour

Hi Everyone!

Glad you could drop by for the blog tour.  It is day 2, make sure that you check out all the featured bloggers on the tour.  You can see who is blogging today and all week on Quiltmaker's Blog.

My block is called Celtic Cross #775.  Here it is:

When the editors of Quiltmaker's first decided  to do this, they had given out forms and information on how to submit a block.  So, I decided to go ahead and try it.  I am so glad that I did!  I have been in every volume and I can't believe that we are on Volume 8!  They have a great thing going. 

I thought that I would give you some setting options for my block.  Here are a few:
Set straight with no sashing

For the second quilt, I added sashing and cornerstones in the quilt and they are shown above. 

Now for the giveaways!  Quiltmaker will be giving an issue of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 8 to one lucky winner.  I will also be giving a signed copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 8!

To enter to win, tell me your favorite feature in Quiltmaker magazine or Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks.  It can be anything from the different blocks, quilt options, ads, anything! 

I will announce the winners on Monday morning.  If you can, please leave your email address with your comment.  Sometimes, it's hard to track you down if I don't have a contact.  Thanks!

I hope you enjoy the latest issue of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks! 


Anonymous said…
I have all volume of '100 blocks'..so I like to look trough them for inspiration ....martamanole@yahoo.com
QuilterKat said…
I like seeing the different blocks in various colorways.
Sheila said…
I love the variety of blocks , a great magazine . Thanks for the chance and I love your block!
Cecilia said…
I like all of the different blocks in the 100 Blocks magazine and the annual Project Linus pattern in Quiltmaker. Your block is pretty and I really like the 2nd quilt pattern.
Deb G. in VA said…
I love your block and settings! I like to look at all the blocks, they are great inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the latest issue!
Vicki H said…
I enjoy the magazines for patterns and inspiration.
MoeWest said…
Your block is great! I like to see quilt options for the blocks. It shows the secondary patterns and gives inspiration for using the block. Thanks for sharing yours.
Anonymous said…
I enjoy seeing the blocks set together and the secondary design. As for magazine...love seeing blog friends quilt blocks get published. Which we could buy the mugs!
Kathy H said…
Great block, I like the different versions you showed. I love that magazine because of all the different blocks they have,especially different types of blocks, pieced, paper pieced, applique.
Anonymous said…
I enjoy the patterns that are offered and great tips.
I like to see how blocks are used in various ways to create the quilt -- sometimes I see options that I'd never considered.
Joyce Carter said…
I love seeing all the new blocks and the different fabrics that were used. The makers share so much with you so there is a lot of inspiration from everyone. Thank you for the giveaway.
Your block is wonderful. I would love to make something up using this block for my sister who has MS and is crazy for all things Irish. I love to see what different items designers come up with for their blocks. Thank you for the chance to win.
Jocelyn said…
I like the 100 Blocks magazines because there are so many new and creative ideas. Thanks!
Susan P said…
I love the 100 Block issues. I'm new to quilting and when you see just a single block and what can be done with it makes the whole process less daunting. Thanks for the giveaway!
MaryBeth said…
Congratulations on being included in the magazine. I love Bonnie Hunter's column in Quiltmaker. Thanks for the giveaway.
Betty Woodlee said…
I like the variety of blocks in 100 blocks.
Mel said…
I love that there seems to be an endless creative energy that keeps everyone designing all the new blocks. I love the patterns!
Karyn said…
I can't think of anything in the 100 blocks I don't like. I have all 8 issues and guard them like gold. I had lent out my first issue and it never came back (oh, the horror!) Thankfully, they reprinted it, and my collection is complete again!

I love the first layout of your block. It looks like flowers! I think this made my list of things to play with. I'm curious to see how the color changes what comes to the front!

Congrats on being in all 8 issues!
karyn at theStylishHome DOT com
Donna said…
I always like your blocks,quilts,books, patterns...can you tell I'm a fan. Another feature I love in Quiltmaker is Bonnie Hunter's scrap column. Your block and the quilts made with the block is so good. Another one I'll have to try!
My favorite Quiltmaker section is Bonnie Hunters column. I love scraps! Your block is great too!
Deborah said…
I like Addicted to Scraps with Bonnie Hunter and the page with block variations. poladydwd@yahoo.com
Deborah said…
I like Addicted to Scraps with Bonnie Hunter and the page with block variations. poladydwd@yahoo.com
lauraluvsloons said…
I've been collecting the scrappy blocks for a while now. Now I need to start making them.
Loretta's CC said…
Love the color options given.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Monique for a chance at the give-away. I have to say I love the abundance of inspiration in "100 Blocks" by way of the blocks & the tips shared by various quilters.
mgw070 at shaw dot ca
I have really liked all of the blocks I have seen today. It is really good to see the different layouts.
Karen said…
My favorite thing is all the inspiration I get every time I open the magazine.
sherylb said…
Love your block! I put little sticky tabs on the block pages that will adapt well for scrap blocks...although...I do mark some that just call to me! I also enjoy the bios of the quilters.

Walter said…
Versatile block! I enjoy the various layouts shown as ideas.
KMSC said…
I love your block and the first design option. What a great quilt to sew for St Patrick's Day!
I love all the blocks in the Quiltmaker magazine. So many design possibilities. Thanks for the giveaway.
Judy1522 said…
I like having all the different blocks available in one magazine. It really is fun to look throuh it and see all the different designs. Your block is beautiful!
Debbie said…
I love seeing all the pretty eye candy. Thanks
Sally H. said…
First of all, I love your Celtic Cross block - very cool.
As far as Quiltmaker Magazine goes, I think I like the Sew to Speak feature, where I can see what other quilters have made from Quiltmaker's patterns.
gloria l said…
I love the variety of blocks, the colors and creativity, and the tips.
Kerrie said…
I love everything in the magazine. However I think my favorite quilt so far is 801 Maple by Connie Walker in the Fall '13 issue. I'm a Halloween fanatic and it is spooktacular!!

Jeanne in Ohio said…
Your block is awesome! I love the scrap pattern from Bonnie Hunter in each issue of Quiltmaker.
Donna Joy said…
The block patterns are such an inspiration, the different colors and prints that are used just amaze me. I also like to read the stories behind each block thanks for the giveaway.
Marmalade said…
I like the different versions. Sometimes, I have a hard time envisioning what a pattern would look like in a different colour-way.
Anonymous said…
Love what you have done with your block. Congrats and thanks for the chance to win.
Hinders.r@Gmail. Com
AnnieBikes said…
I especially like the different colorways that they show with the patterns.
Liz said…
The blocks inspire me and the different layouts using the block are always amazing!
Debbie said…
I love the inspirations I get from each magazine
Unknown said…
I love the second version of your Celtic Crosses. What I like about Quiltmakers 100 Blocks....the variety of blocks all in one magazine. It's the best value for the money.
Audrey said…
I agree with you, Quiltmaker has a very good thing going with their 100 Block magazines. I can hardly wait until Volume 8 is on newsstand November 19th. What I like most about Quiltmaker is that in each issue there is something for everyone no matter what their skill level. I especially like the tips to make quilting easier. Individual blocks inspire me to experiment with designing my own unique quilt. Many of the blocks our guild uses for comfort quilts are from Quiltmaker.
vwlady said…
I love to collect the 100 block issues. There is always something new to try!
giddy99 said…
I love all of the various blocks in the 100 Block books!
Tami C said…
Congratulations on being published in Volume 8 as well as all the others! My favorite was Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 6 as that is one that I won during the blog that year. Your Celtic Cross block makes into a very pretty quilt.
Elizabeth said…
Linus quilt series and the animal children's quilts series.
Unknown said…
I really like this block. I would make a large wall hanging. I like quiltmaker for the patterns and the tips.
Quilting_Chris said…
I like the patterns. Quiltmaker my favorite magazines. I love Bonnie's addicted to scraps column. So much inspriation in the magazine.
Steph said…
I love seeing new patterns, particularly when there are different color options or settings shown.
quilter1950 said…
I like the quilting motifs in the Quiltmaker magazine
Church bells were really ringing when I saw your block. The magazine gives a lot of blocks and inspiration of ideas for the price.
ritainalaska said…
love all the 100 blocks mags! love your celtic cross and the look of the blocks when the're all together in the quilt! a great pattern!
I really like the quilt made with your block. My favorite article in Quiltmaker is Bonnie Hunter's Addicted to Scraps. Thanks for a chance to win.
Sallie said…
I like the blocks with different layouts from the same block. Thanks for the giveaway!
Linda V said…
Great block and design layout! I really like the different blocks they offer! Thanks for the giveaway.
SoccerMom said…
I love seeing all the many different styles of blocks in the 100 blocks issue. There's something for everyone!
Ellen said…
I love your block. The best thing I like is all the blocks.
Stephanie said…
I really, really like your block. Really. No, really. I've got to try it. As for Quiltmaker, I'm a subscriber because it has a good balance of patterns, tips, trends, and other good quilty stuff.
Rose92 said…
I am a longtime subscriber to Quiltmaker magazine, I have saved them all and revisit them regularly.
Margaret said…
I love all the patterns that you get in one magazine and the different layouts that are shown.
BookLady said…
I love Quiltmaker magazine and Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks special issues. I enjoy seeing the many different blocks, settings, and color combinations. Thanks for the great giveaway!
projects made with the block patterns.
Marca said…
I like addicted to scrap and other patterns that give me quilting ideas.
Annmarie said…
I have every issue of Quiltmaker 100 Blocks & have made lots of blocks from them. I've never won an issue but maybe Vol 8 will be my turn to win!
Joyful Quilter said…
Great block, thanks for the design ideas to go with it.
I love this block and how it makes a great quilt! This is one of the things I like about Quiltmaker, they bring us such great designers just like you!
hcolvin said…
I like the different options they show with blocks and the blocks! Thanks!
Unknown said…
I love all Celtic patterns and this is phenomenal! I would want the book, even if this was the only pattern in it!! Great job!
I love having so many blocks, it sparks the imagination.
Annie said…
I don't think I could pick just one favorite. I have all of the 100 Blocks issues, and I'm always excited when a new one comes out.
Barbara K said…
Wow! Great block with a wonderful secondary design. I love the 100 Blocks series & have the complete set. So much inspiration in each volume & it great to be introduced to new designers.
Dorothy G said…
Wow, I love your block. I love to check out all the blocks in the magazines for inspiration for my next quilt. You are now at the top of my list. Thanks
Unknown said…
I love this block. It is a block that goes very well with my Irish background. It is great. Thank you for this giveaway.
Anonymous said…
I enjoy seeing all the quilt pattern - different color ways shown - quilting ideas - reading about the designers -articles on new quilting gadgets - how to's on anything quilting.
Thanks for a chance to maybe win a 100 block mag.
Fun4Me 1249@ aol.com
Valerie said…
I love seeing the wonderful blocks made into a quilt. Some are so unexpected. That's what is so fascinating about quilting.
Unknown said…
I love the different colorways showing me the possibilities for the blocks/quilts.
Lovely block and makes a beautiful quilt! Love Quiltmaker's! Love reading the articles, tips and tricks and the different quilting designs. Congratulations on having your block in Vol.8 of Quiltmaker's.

Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.

Linda H said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marcia said…
I like looking at all the machine quilting ideas. I look at my back issues for ideas of how to quilt my quilt.
Louise said…
Your block is gorgeous, and the repeating blocks make up a great quilt! A favorite Quiltmaker feature, for me, are their mystery quilts.
BizyStitches said…
I like your block and the different way you have set them in a sample quilt. I like all the different styles that one can find in the magazine. Thanks.
darlene said…
I like the variety of quilts and yours is one I would love to make. It is lovely.
Unknown said…
I like all the different colorways featured..excites me to sew more..
Cathryn said…
I love Quiltmaker for its patterns and the different color waves they put on the quilts.
jrt14 said…
I love all the great block in the 100 block issues. I picked up the first one when I was looking to increase my collection of blocks to build quilts from and had no idea how big it would be or how it would keep getting better and better each time. Thank you for making such a great block and sharing it with us.
Nancy said…
I love all the different types of skills in the book.
PatchworkRose said…
I love see the blocks and all the different settings and approaches.As a scrap quilter Quiltmaker 100 blocks is pure inspiration
I enjoy the columns written by various quilters in Quiltmaker.
Karen said…
I love Bonnie Hunter's section
KT said…
I love seeing all the blocks for inspiration.
Cat said…
love when they show me new ways to make old blocks updated. I also love new scrappy blocks. Love your new block - Awesome job.
Carla said…
Oh ho nice the block is!!!
Very inspiring!

Carla (Netherlands)
Gabi said…
like almost all of the block patterns- most the appliqued ones.
qltr89 said…
The Design Studio is my favorite section of QuiltMaker magazine. And that quilting motifs are suggested for almost every pattern.
Narelle said…
I've never had the opportunity to browse through one of the volumes but just having so many blocks to choose from would be amazing.
Ruth said…
My favorite feature in Quiltmaker magazine is "Addicted to Scraps" by Bonnie Hunter! I really LOVE your block. Hope I win the book!
~Kris~ said…
I love the variety of styles of blocks in the 100 Blocks Magazines. I love your block and esp. the secondary pattern that emerges in the overall quilt.
Stitches said…
I like the more simpler patterns in Quiltmaker. Your block is very good too.
DarleneT said…

I love to see what someone else has thought up. It is endless! Just when you think there can be nothing new, someone's imagination comes up with something new! I love your block. It is amazing!!!
Michele said…
Nice block. Thanks for showing different options-- that's what I like most about the magazine-- seeing the same block or quilt made up differently.
Lisa said…
I love the bright vivid colors used to print this magazine. It is a great magazine and give so many new options for blocks, pillows, quilts, etc!
Kathryn said…
I like the choices they show you in using a block.
Darlene B said…
My favorite thing is just getting inspired to try something new. Thanks so much!
Rachel (rachelryates@yahoo.com) said…
Thanks for a chance to win, I am looking forward to finding my favorite. I don't have any of the books yet, I am new to quilting. But my favorite style so far that I have seen is the bargello :)
I love the Quiltmaker Magazine and the 100 blocks magazines they have come out with. I get bored when I do the same thing over and over so this is perfect! .
pharmgirl75 said…
I really like that all the designers give you options for using their block.
Connie said…
Love the patterns...fresh! Really like your block...being Irish!
Jennifer said…
My favorite part of the magazine is the Addicted to Scraps column. Thanks for the chance!
Unknown said…
As a new quilter, I enjoy trying new patterns, and I love being able to see how using the same blocks set in different ways gives an entirely new look to the same pattern. Thank you for the chance to win the book.
WoolenSails said…
I have to admit, it is the blocks and the variety. It is nice to have a library of blocks that I can mix and match and something i can go to when I want to make something new.

Becky said…
I love the variety of quilt designs in Quiltmaker magazine. LOVE your Celtic Cross block! Thanks so much for sharing!
Emily C said…
I love all the different blocks. I find it amwazing that they can fit all those instructions into such a tiny space.
Texana said…
Oh, your Celtic Cross block is beautiful, but the secondary pattern that emerges when you make a whole quilt is incredible! That just went to the top of my want-to-makes...

I have always enjoyed Quiltmaker magazine, there is always at least one quilt in each issue that I absolutely must make...If I live long enough!
Unknown said…
Quiltmaker 100 Block Magazine has helped me select blocks for an exchange with our quilt guild. The book teaches all aspects of quilting from colour, design, methods and so much more. THANK YOU. Happy Quilting:)
WYO Di said…
Congrats on your Celtic Block making V8! I love the variety of blocks in their 100 blocks publications - keeps everyone interested.
Carla G said…
I love all the variations that are shown for the quilt blocks! :)
Marion Kersnick said…
The cross is beautiful! Congratulations on being in every issue! I like the layout of the 100 block magazine which groups the blocks by technique !
Sylvie said…
I really like the patterns section of the magazine. Congratulations.
Allison Sews said…
Seeing all of the different blocks they have in their magazines has been great
Juels said…
I like the patterns and ideas. I also like your block!
Anonymous said…
My favorite feature in my Quiltmaker magazine is the how to quilt it suggestion. Good quilting can make or break a project. ll_gee(at)hotmail dot com
Andee said…
My favorite feature is Bonnie Hunter's block!
WhoMom said…
Your green is beautiful! The Celtic Cross is such a great block and I could actually see myself making this to enjoy on my own bed. Lovely. Thank you for sharing.
I appreciate the inspiration that I receive from all of the blocks. Monique your block is wonderful!
kbo said…
I like the variety of the talented artist who are showcased in the blocks they create.
Jodi said…
I like that each issue has different techniques represented, from paper piecing to appliqué, from simple to more intermediate.
Unknown said…
My favorite thing would be the block choices. I love getting this 110 blocks magazine for all the choices it gives me. It's so fun!!
bairdmtn said…
I really enjoy "meeting" all the designers in the 100 Blocks issues! I have all 7 issues (and number 8 SOON I hope!) and refer to them often when I need an idea or two for a project!!
Unknown said…
I like all the designs and pattern. It is great to see and read. Thanks for posting.

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