Blog Hop Day 3

Welcome to day 3 for the Traditional Fat Quarter Quilts blog hop.  I hope you have been visiting everyone's sites to see what they are doing.  Monday was Thelma's day from Cupcakes 'n Daisies and yesterday was Lisa's day from Stashmaster.

Today, there are 2 of us blogging: Denise from Quilter's Window and me.  I met Denise at Quilt Market several years back.  She is one of those people that you instantly like because of her easy manner and sense of humor.  She is always laughing and smiling and you feel instantly comfortable.  If you have never been to her store or her website, please check it out!  I travel to visit her, teach and lecture usually twice a year and I get to stay with her in her lovely home.  Her husband and sons are always so tolerant of us chatty girls and of course, one of my favorite members of her household is Rocky, a Cairn Terrior.  We get along wonderfully!

Before I get to my project, I want to tell you a bit about my book, Traditional Fat Quarter Quilts.  As you probably can tell from my first book and now this book, I love fat quarters.  It is one of the sizes of cuts that really intrigues me.  It must be the mathematician in me.  It is fun for me to figure out how many blocks or pieces I can get out of a fat quarter.  Some of you are groaning, thinking:  "Math, yuk!"  Leave it to me and I will figure it out.  My brother calls me Math Geek and I wear the name proudly!  For a different twist to my latest book, instead of using fat quarters for the background, I used 1 main light fabric.  I thought it would be fun to change it up a bit and sometimes it is easier to have one background and the rest scrappy.  As in my first book, this book includes alternate sizes for the patterns.  It's nice to be able to make the quilt bigger if you want.  Another wonderful thing about the book is the price, only $16.95!  What a great deal for 11 patterns plus additional sizes.  Hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed creating it.

The quilt that I decided to recreate from the book is Poker.  My dear friend, Kathy, pieced it and I chose it so I could make one too!  I made a smaller version than she did but it was so much fun.  Here is the original from the book.

I was inspired by Thelma and her Dancing with the Stars quilt.  I love that she used grey and red.  It was so beautiful that I made mine in the same color scheme.  I chose 3 fat quarters: one light, one red and one grey.  I could make 4 blocks. 

Here is some of the piecing that I did:

Trimming using the Fit to be Quarter ruler

Trimming using the Mini Fit to be Geese ruler

Once I had the blocks done, I needed to decide which way I was going to orient the blocks.  The first one is with the grey in the center:

 The second one is with the cream in the center:

And the winner is: grey in the center.  Here it is with borders on.

That is my project that I worked on for the book.  It was fun and with the rulers that I used, everything came out wonderfully. 

This takes me to my giveaway.  I am going to be giving 3 items away.

First, is a copy of the book Traditional Fat Quarter Quilts

Second, a Fit to be Quarter ruler

Third, a Mini Fit to be Geese ruler

All you have to do is comment on my blog and you could win any one of the three give-aways.  There will be three winner to share the wealth!  You have until Friday night at midnight to comment and I will announce the winners Saturday morning. If you don't feel comfortable leaving your email address on the comment, make sure that you come back to see if you win.  This is the question that I would like you to comment on:

Math lover or hater?  Why?

Thanks for stopping by and make sure that you come back tomorrow for the next blogger and fun!


Miriam said…
I loved math all the way through school. When I got to uni I found I had met my match!! It was tough going! I asked someone to help me who I knew was a couple of years ahead of me. We ended up getting married and almost 35 years, and 3 children later we are still married.

Thank you for a great giveaway Monique!
Carol said…
I too am a math lover and my degree is in math and computer science, albeit, a number of years ago. We are definitely a family of geeks. I have your book on order already, but unfortunately, I don't own your rulers....yet.
jirons42 said…
I am a math hater. In my family you are either a math person or a word person and we all know who is which.
Colleen G said…
I can balance my chequebook but I would rather write than compute. My husband is the same. And that is why we can't explain our son, the engineer! I do love puzzling out the shapes and the math in quilting though. I am glad you've done it for me though, the patterns are lovely.
Lesley said…
Your quilt is so beautiful! Love the colors. I do not like math just because! I use apps and online fabric calculators when I need to know how much fabric I need for borders,, etc. Thanks for the chance!
Anonymous said…
I like the math. I loved geometry in school, so I think that also had something to do with my love of quilting. I am such a fan of your rulers. I am anxious to see the entire book.
Karen in PA
Betty said…
All three of the prizes are wonderful. I like the blocks too. I am not fond of math. Maybe because I hate doing taxes and that's whats going on now.
Nancy E said…
I don't mind math, just not good at high level math .... maybe that is why I married a math major. LOL!
Love the fabric you selected! Your first book is great so I can't wait to get my hands on this one!
Nancy E said…
I don't mind math, just not good at high level math .... maybe that is why I married a math major. LOL!
Love the fabric you selected! Your first book is great so I can't wait to get my hands on this one!
Anonymous said…
I loved math through my school days. However, I did not take geometry in high school so I have a bit of troube with angles. With the new rulers out--no problem.

Monique, I totally love those colors you used!!! I will be looking at grey with a new meaning in quilting now! Thank you!

I'm great with the fraction thing too...but only when it comes to quilting LOL

Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Wendy said…
I am not much of a math person but I do get by without calculators and such...old school. I have just recently purchased both sizes of Fit To Be Geese rulers but have not yet seen the Fit To Be Quarter ruler. I am on the lookout though. Love this blog hop and especially your quilts! The red and grey is a winning combination. Count me in on the fun and a chance to win please.
Sharrieboberry said…
I'm not a math hater--but it does not seem to be my gift! I love to do percentages in my head and problem solving, but mostly just the math I use day-to-day.

I've always encouraged my kiddos in math and never have expressed that it's for only "some" people. It's for everyone.
paulette said…
I'm a math lover..why? So that if there is a 30% off sale at the Quilting Shop I can figure out lickety split how much the fabric is going to cost! And we all need to know how much fabric to get...and we all need to know angles, rulers for measuring..yards to metric...Sheesh...quilting is nothing but MATH!! So yup, guess I'm a Math LOVER!!
Thanks for the chance to win this lovely book or rulers!! Have a wonderful day!
Deb said…
Math is not my favorite subject, but I'm an accountant by day, so I better be good with math! Thanks for the chance to win. Deb
Deb said…
I've always said that I'm mathmatically-challenged; however, give me a calculator and I can do it. I have both of your fit to be geese rulers and absolutely love them for trimming flying geese. I love all the quilts in this book.

Deb S.
KrisD said…
I'm with you -- I like the gray in the middle the best. Very cute and now you have a new table topper! I am a math lover. Had I gone to college, that's what I would have majored in. Thanks for a chance to win one of your great giveaways! It's fun to see which quilt everyone chose to create and interesting to see their own spin on it.
Lisa England said…
Math lover for sure. All those math teachers who said it was useful were right!
Jacqueline said…
Love your color choices and the pattern. Thanks for a chance at your giveaway. Any of the 3 prizes would be great to take home.
Math hater definitely! My mind just doesn't seem to work that way. I married a math lover though so he helps me out when needed.
The Rx quilter said…
I am a total math lover...ended up a pharmacist by trade. I have your fit to be geese ruler and it is super awesome, I don't make flying geese without it! I have a bundle of Etching that is begging to be cut up...thanks for the chance to win! Lisa in Texas
Dee said…
The grey and red really are appealing. Love seeing those tools at work. Thank you for the opportunity.
Audrey said…
Oh - I LOVE math. I liked that there was a right answer. None of these essays that you never knew if you were right or wrong. I think that is why I love to figure out quilt blocks and fabric requirements. What great prizes you are giving away.
Mary said…
I am a math lover! I am a retired teacher of Family and Consumer Science, but always wondered if I would have liked teaching math better. I still remember my geometry teacher, Mrs. Naylor, saying, "Numbers are your friends". I am much more fond of fabric, but being friends with numbers sure comes in handy with a lot of sewing projects.
Love your quilt designs!
Mary said…
Math hater. I do it as little as possible. Love the quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.
Kathy H said…
I am a math lover. I have always enjoyed math and I think it is very satisfying to figure the math.
martha said…
I love math, it is just hard sometimes to remember the formulas. I am a rule person and math is full of rules. martha from minnesota
JudyCinNC said…
Can't get over how much Rocky looks like our little Casey Gail - they could be brother/sister. We love Cairn Terriers at my house. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to win your generous gifts. Telling my age, but I took business math and now my husband is my back-up math wizard. Your quilt is perfect. Judy C
Shelley said…
I hate Math. It was my worst subject in school and I struggled so hard with it. My brain is just not wired to do anything more complicated than adding and subtracting, which is why I excelled at accounting lol! I think your quilts that we have seen so far in your new book are AMAZING! and I'm glad you've done the math for us!
DebrafromMD said…
I'm a math geek to who married a Mathematician. A match made in heaven. I own all of your rulers, and I love them. What I really need now is a copy of your book to tame my vast fat-quarter collection. Thanks for the chance to win!
Linda said…
Love the book and the rulers. Have a love/hate relationship with math. I will let you figure these paterns out for me! Thanks for the chance to win.
Kathleen said…
I'm looking for that fit to be quarter ruler too.
Never was good in math in school; I couldn't relate it to life, at the time-------but now, with quilting---I've come in to my own. Thank you for the giveaway.
Penny from S.C. said…
I'd be happy with any of your great gifts. Thanks for the chance to win.
Kathy said…
I love those rulers! I used the Fit to Be Geese ruler on a recent quilt and it turned out great.

I like basic arithmetic and get along fine with it, but I never liked math when I got into calculus and things like that. Too much for me!
kansaswx said…
Hate math! When I retired last year simply everyone gave me calculators to make fun of my problem making any numbers come out right two times in a row. Your rulers are the talk of blog land. If I don't win, just may have to buy them when i buy the book.
Anonymous said…
I'm better at bookkeeping math, algebra and geometry were intriguing but didn't stay with me. Your new book and tools look like a worthy investment, anything to get the math done, er-r-r get the job done. Thanks for the book tour and new blogs to read and enjoy. Stephani in TX (
shauna said…
I was a math hater all through school but as an adult became a math lover. That being said, I'm very glad that you have done all the quilting math for us. Thanks for a great give-away!
Jen from Iowa said…
I am a math LOVER! I performed well in math in both high school and college and I needed it due to my science degree. I also was able to speak at a conference for promoting Girls in Math and Science based on my science career. I used my math skills to relate in life and how it has lead to my quilting!

Anyway,I love the quilt you made and my goal in 2012 is to use up my scraps and I think this is just the project to do it. Thanks for the chance to win!
Sherry said…
Balancing my checkbook is about the most math that I can handle. I was ok with Algebra I but once we got into word problems & intense formulas my eyes got all glassy & I just could not get it.

But. . . I still remember the Pytagorem (sp??) theory & use that quite a bit to figure out the diagonal measurement of blocks "on the fly".

So, I hope I get some credit for that!! LOL

crazyquiltpatcher AT YahOO dOt com
Ginny Worden said…
Who knew, way back whenI was In High School,all those times I moaned in my math class"I'm never going to need to know this! "It would comeback to bite me. I constantly use those formulas for quilting. YIKES!
Monique, I love your rulers, and your version of Poker is delightful.
Kristy said…
Math lover.........I was a math teacher when I was working. I loved it!!! All my friends call me to figure out their quilting math dilemmas. It is my way to contribute. Your book is awesome and I am so happy you shared your gifts. Kristy in Ohio
Nancy in WI said…
I love your little quilt! I am a math hater because it is so hard for me. I want to try one of your rulers out for the flying geese!
Sort of in between. I really don't like math, but I found that I CAN do math when it comes to quilting... LOL. Anything else related to Math, I ask my husband!!!

I'm loving reading the other blogs featuring your book and seeing what they are doing.
Karen said…
I enjoyed Algebra, but Calc killed me. I wasn't exceptional at any kind of math really and even now when trying to figure out tips I take an excessive amount of time.
Barbara Anne said…
Love the quilt and your little version! In the last year, I've made small 4 block wall hangings in seasonal fabrics to take turns hanging in the same place in my home.

Math avoider here. I need the tee shirt that says, "I was promised there would be no math!"

Thanks for giving us chances to win these wonderful prizes.

Lydia said…
I liked the quilt you made. I'm not a big gray and red fan. But I do like to see quilts made up with colors that I wouldn't pick, because you just never know.
Lydia said…
I liked the quilt you made. I'm not a big gray and red fan. But I do like to see quilts made up with colors that I wouldn't pick, because you just never know.
Miss Jean said…
Math lover! It's like a puzzle to me that I have to solve. Plus I worked in accounting. Love the quilt!!
ann said…
Math lover! Always loved math in school. Must be the geek in me too. Thanks for the chance to win.
Anonymous said…
I struggled with math in school. When I became a teacher I probably went overboard to make sure my First Grade students understood math lessons! I love using your big & little Fit to Be Geese rulers and winning a Fit to be Quarters would be terrific! That book looks like fun! Jan (I'll check back to see if I win something)!
Quiltsmiles said…
Another math lover here that has loved it ever since I learned I was good at it (about 3rd grade).
I first heard of you through Thelma @ Cupcakes and Daisies and have been looking for your rulers at my LQS but have not seen any there available yet. I'd love to give them a try and share my story on my blog & with my local quilt guild of about 160 people. Jane
Becky said…
Math is just something you do to make a quilt come out right. It isn't wonderful, or awful, just there to be done. I love your quilt. The book must be wonderful. Thanks for offering prizes, and the eye candy.
Dresden Quilter said…
I am a math lover. It is one of the reasons, why I love quilting, though I have had to learn the imperial system. I am used to metric.
Anonymous said…
Math is sooooo not my thing!!!! As a quilter, I wished I had paid better attention in geometry!!!! Thank you for doing the math!!!! Thanks you for the opportunity to win!! Love the grey and red together! Nurse Payne
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your new book!
I always liked math in school, but didn't think about it much again until I started quilting. Lots of math in quilting, and I think it's fun!
Debbie R.
Cindy D said…
Congratulations on your new books. If I am not lucky enough to win a copy, I sure will be purchasing one along with the rulers. I love your patterns and have several of them already
Heartsdesire said…
I hated math in school. didn't really try very hard. But since I've been quilting, I really wish I had paid more attention.
Bev said…
Love this block! I have yet to try making a flying geese block, this looks like a great first project. I don't hate math, I'm just not very good at it.
Anonymous said…
Never cared much for Math in school,but studied hard anyway-now in quilting I like it a lot+use it quite abit! thanks for sharing!
Monica said…
Math? Love it! A love of math has come in very handy many a time...especially when quilting. When others are searching for a calculator, I'm already figuring it out in my head.

Thanks for the chance to win! I really NEED your book. I have more fat quarter bundles than I have fingers and toes. Spans you can imagine your book would come in very handy.
Perry said…
Math is intriguing and fun! I love it and all of the little tricks you can use to verify your reasoning. I think we all tend to use calculators anymore and a lot of math skills have been lost as a result. Since I enlarge most of my quilts I use math a lot in figuring out how much fabric I need. Thank you for having giveaways. I love your new book, by the way.
Janelle said…
I've come to enjoy math so long as it is for a practical purpose like quilting! I remember taking calculus and there were formulas with imaginary numbers and numbers that could not exist and I just thought "what's the point?" That math isn't for me, but I do like being able to figure out real things!
Tracey Holzer said…
Math lover! And what I love the most about your new book is the one background color. I think that it visually ties the quilt together. Way to go and thanks.
Anonymous said…
I have always struggled with math. I grasped algrebra ok but when it came to geometry - it was incredibly difficult for me. Now I see the value of grasping geometry when it comes to figuring out triangles, etc. Wish I had a "do-over" in my math classes with a teacher who could explain it better for my way of thinking!
Linda Kay -
Sharmond said…
Thanks for wonderful giveaway. These quilts look so fun!
Jackie said…
Wonderful giveaways,Wonderful Book!
Love the idea that there are more than one option on your quilts, Being a Math Hater I can't figure out how to enlarge a pattern if the size is too small for what I want or need.Pleasease count me in for your giveaways!
Kathy MacKie said…
I don't dislike math just try to avoid it, thanks for the giveaway.
Melody said…
Can't wait to get my book, hope to see you in New Hampton on April 14
robin chapa said…
LOL... good question. I'm an English teacher. I suppose that says it all. However, I do appreciate all things "math"-- especially the other people that are GOOD at it so I don't have to be-- THANK YOU!

(your block w/ the grey in the center.... w/ the red.... omg.... I LOVE!!!)
JoAnne said…
I have to say that I'm "secretly" a math lover. I like when things work out evenly. I'm intrigued by statistics and probablity. I know nothing about them, but they interest me. When I was in school, I liked doing complicated math problems when there was a simple solution to the whole thing. I liked problems with remainders, etc. less. Don't we always like the neat and tidy solution?
Dee said…
I'm definitely a math lover. Calculus was my favorite subject. To this day, I'm still always running numbers through my head and calculating percentages.

I really enjoyed your first book (which I own) and I'm having fun seeing the new quilts on this blog tour. Beautiful job!
Math lover~ its like a puzzle or a mystery book, you just have to figure it out. ;-) I love all the blog hops~ your quilts are so intricate looking~ it would be fun to make every one! Thanks for the chance!
Cassandra said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
jesop84 said…
I have always liked math. I'm kind of a black and white person--no gray areas. Math is either right or wrong. Loved the colors you chose for your quilt. Thanks for such a great giveaway.
jesop84 said…
I have always liked math. I'm kind of a black and white person--no gray areas. Math is either right or wrong. Loved the colors you chose for your quilt. Thanks for such a great giveaway.
Cassandra said…
I love how your blocks came together! The rulers make it look like these projects are doable even for newbies. Yay! :)

Forgot to add - I'm somewhere in between on the math. Sometimes I really enjoy it (algebra) and other times I can't stand it (geometry or trig). So it really depends on the math!
Terrie said…
Math ....ugggg !!! It was a seriouse struggle in school I will admit and for that I hated it!!! I went to work however in the accounting field.....go figure :)!!! So I use it every single day and have come to terms with it, I don't hate it these days but will never love it :)

Love your project by the way and those rulers look awesome, thanks for the oppurtunity :)
Kay said…
I loved math until I got into geometry in college & then I was done with it. Love all of the patterns in your book & can't wait to get a copy. I have the flying geese ruler & really like it, but don't have the other ruler yet.
Susan C said…
Math is not my favorite subject but I don't hate it. I just find that I need to be in the right frame of mind to do calculations. Love when they are done for me but often find myself changing sizes and having to figure things anyway! Love the patterns I have seen so far from your book!
Frances in England said…
Math was OK in school, but I swear my skills have deteriorated since - unfortunate, since I sometimes need to help customers figure out their fabric requirements for my job. Still, I hope that with more use (it's a new job) my math skills might stage a comeback... So for now I would say I am neither a Math Lover nor a Math Hater - I'm a Math Panicker!
VickiT said…
Oh gosh, math? Just saying that makes me cringe. LOL I have never been a math whiz or even close to even thinking I could be one. I've tried all my life to understand but just have this mental block and don't understand why. I do admit though that it's gotten better as I have gotten older but whew, school as a child was rough. What's really funny is that two of my three children are both amazing at math; the type that doesn't need to use a calculator. I have NO idea where they got that from 'cause it surely wasn't from thier Momma. lol
Sherri said…
How about a love/hate relationship with math? lol Actually, math was one of my better subjects, but you wouldn't always know it from my quilting math skills! I've gotten lazy and ask my husband who has a computer for a brain. He always knows the answers! lol
Thanks for this wonderful give away!
kc said…
LOVE LOVE LOVE math. First of all, is is simple and it makes sense. Piecing is all about geometry and math. I enjoy the challenge of figuring out how maximize the use of my fabric.
Ming said…
Math lover, for sure! Guess it's a good thing, because I'm an accountant.

Ming (
Sandy said…
Was a math hater, but now as i am a quilter i often think of my previous math teachers and how everything they were teaching us now makes some sense! I love your patterns and your books. You are such an inspiration to us all.
Sandy said…
Was a math hater, but now as i am a quilter i often think of my previous math teachers and how everything they were teaching us now makes some sense! I love your patterns and your books. You are such an inspiration to us all.
Sandy said…
Was a math hater, but now as i am a quilter i often think of my previous math teachers and how everything they were teaching us now makes some sense! I love your patterns and your books. You are such an inspiration to us all.
SueB said…
I hate math. but you have to have it when quilting. But my sons are both in jobs that math is all they do..I would love to own any of the three.
mtquilter said…
Now, that's an interesting question. I like the logical aspects of math but hated I guilt! LOL! Truthfully I was more into reading and spelling and seems like you have that kind of brain or the math kind of brain. My son just shakes his head at me when I can't figure out a math problem...but then he can't spell either so I guess it all equals out!
Anonymous said…
Math hater; I never "got it" in high school; although I did finally have a wonderful professor in college who made me enjoy it! I'm much better now than I used to be, and if it's math for quilting, well, that's different! Thanks for the opportunity to win your prizes!

Brenda said…
I love your new book. Love seeing all the different patterns.I like math and enjoy teaching it to my 4th graders.
Wendy said…
Because I work in an accounting office the last thing I want to do when relaxing by quilting is be responsible for checking any math figures in the pattern. So not a math lover during quilting - thanks for taking care of that part. Would love to win the book (as I already own the two rulers!!)
I'm in the middle of the road about math....grin. I'm okay at it and need it daily.
Deb said…
I like math. I use it everyday at work, and love to be able to figure out different sizes of blocks. A fraction of an inch can change everything.
Anonymous said…
Your designs are so nice! I would love to try out the rulers!! I am a math hater converted! LOL Since I have been homeschooling my children I have learned to LOVE math! :)
Karen M said…
I am a word person, not a number person (qualitative vs. quantitative). I have never been mathy. I think back to the elementary students I have had over the years and feel that they were short changed in the math department because of my shortcomings.
Mary said…
I was never good at math in school, but have been able to figure it in regard to quilts. I have managed to work with numbers all my life in the work place. Justs could not get it.
I love the little quilt you made and the fabric choices too. Wonderful!!! Math??? I am definitely a Math lover. It was my favorite subject all through school and the only one that I got straight A's in. Though back when I went to school Algebra was optional, not required and I chose not to take it because I was so afraid of the "X" LOL. However, when I quilt a rather lucrative job in 1995 to go to College and get the nursing degree I had always dreamed of, I had to conquer the "X", so I took the Algebra classes and found that I loved it. I also got A's in my college math classes. After all, what's not to love??? Monique, I think your book is going to be a must have if I don't win one and after seeing your rulers (I don't have either of them), they will all be must haves. Thank you so much for a chance to win this wonderful quilting treasures. Hugs...
Sallie said…
Love it - it's a game and you always win if you follow the rules!! Thanks for the giveaways!
Julie S said…
I do love math but higher math is rather challenging. Math comes easily to me, but boy is it difficult to teach my homeschooled daughter who is NOT math oriented!
Lisa said…
I love the order of numbers, but I enjoy things that allow me more music or writing....
Carol C. said…
I love math -- love numbers, but I appreciate it when someone else figures out the measurements for the pieces for a quilt. I love your book -- your quilts are so pretty!!
AmandaA said…
I like maths (as we call it in the UK) and was taught to use my brain rather than a calculator to do sums - at least, simple ones! Not sure how I'd cope at a higher level though. I love your quilts, so I'm very grateful you like maths!
Edna said…
Math lover but only with a calculator. Thanks for the chance at your generous giveaway.
Polly said…
Love Mathis as long as it doesn't have any x or y in it. Give me good old numbers with a practical end result any day. Mmm that must be why I love patchwork piecing!
Sinta Renee said…
I love the Fit to be Geese ruler... I must need one of these too. I would love a chance to win one of your new books. Didn't your last book have "games" as the theme for name of your quilts?
Redfinch said…
Wow, this may be part of the solution to my fat quarter collection. I could seriously make every quilt in the book, I believe. So any 1 of the 3 items would help me along the way...
Ruth Finch (
Redfinch said…
Wow, this may be part of the solution to my fat quarter collection. I could seriously make every quilt in the book, I believe. So any 1 of the 3 items would help me along the way...
Ruth Finch (
Math lover here! I'm actually an engineer by schooling and trade. I haven't done a lot of quilts, but if I do garments, I usually try to figure out a more economical way of using the fabric, even if that means putting an extra seam up the back of a blouse!
ljridge4511 (at) Gmail (dot) com
Michele said…
Math lover here! I've been working in accounting for well over 35 years. But you know, some days I do like to let others figure it all out for me...just tell me what to cut!. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of the 3 prizes. How very generous of you. Thank you. Michele G
Anonymous said…
I'm a math hater. I have no reason to hate math - my brain just cannot make heads or tails with it. I have twin granddaughters and one can read so well and the other is good at numbers. I think your just born that way. Sue H
Anonymous said…
I'm not a math lover, but I love it when someone else does the math!
I like to use fat quarters, they are a very versatile piece of fabric, and very easy to pick up as an impulse buy. I enjoy gadgets, and rulers that make the task easier are a great thing. I've read many great comments about both of your rulers. Unfortunately, they are not sold in my local quilt shop. Thanks for the chance to win!
Anonymous said…
I'm not a math lover, but I love it when someone else does the math!
I like to use fat quarters, they are a very versatile piece of fabric, and very easy to pick up as an impulse buy. I enjoy gadgets, and rulers that make the task easier are a great thing. I've read many great comments about both of your rulers. Unfortunately, they are not sold in my local quilt shop. Thanks for the chance to win!
Kristin said…
Totally a Math Lover! I'm an accountant and I use math every day! I'm loving the blog tour of your new book!!

Beth said…
I was going to vote for the grey center - and I was right!!! I can do the "everyday" math functions, but it is not my strong suit. I do think quilting has helped my math skills. I am really enjoying the book tour and seeing what everybody is doing.
I am a math hater--thank goodness there are awesome tools that do the work for me!
Karen in Breezy Point
Gloria said…
I hated math in school but work with numbers everyday. Thanks for the giveaway...

Strlady said…
Seeing that I'm a math major, I must say I'm a math lover. I will spend waay too many hours refiguring out a pattern and going over and over my calculations. LOL!
I'm looking forward to picking up your book, especially since I have all your rulers and they obviously make the quilts easier to construct!
Becky said…
I love math. I even taught it for several years. I love that it is so exact:) Looking forward to making quilts from your book.
Sara said…
I hate math - not my best subject in school - although I wish I had paid more attention and liked it...

nhsarab at yahoo dot com
CJ said…
I liked math just fine until someone invited the alphabet to hang out with the numbers. Then they lost me. :S
Betty said…
I'm not a math person, but raised a math whiz son. He says my calculator is my "brain"! I like quilt books where all the math is already done for me.
Susan said…
I'm pretty neutral when it comes to math. I can't really say that I hate it but I don't love it either. I do whatever math I have to for the job at hand and don't really think much about it beyond that point. Thanks for the opportunity to win some of your great prizes. I'm enjoying the blog hop and seeing everyone's quilts. Your book is another winner :o)
Gretchen said…
Definitely not a math person although I too it all the way through calculus and persevered. I am an English lit major and that says it all. I admire everyone that figures out complicated math for me. Thanks for all the wonderful patterns. Your new book is spectacular!
Kaye M. said…
I like math but when I was taking high school geometry I wondered when I would ever use this knowledge. When I became a quilter--bingo--now I know how to put my geometry skills to use!!
Sandy said…
Have rulers- ready to quilt.
Liked the change-up examples and colorway you chose.
Diann said…
Math lover, probably because I'm good at it. It's so much easier to like what you're good at!
Jocelyn said…
It's funny, I'm not really a math lover, but I do like to put things together, more like puzzles. Your quilts are beautiful. I did use the Fit to Be Geese on Schnibbles patterns before. Thanks for the book and resource.
Denise Sinnwell said…
Love the new book! Always lots of pieces and they all work together so nicely using your rulers. I had fun putting together Solitaire. Keep it up girlfriend! I'll tell Rocky he is a Rock Star now.

All of us look forward to your visit April 14th for the Book Signing event at Quilter's Window.

Sorcha girl said…
Love the theme of the quilts in your book. Solitaire is a game I play often.

I'd have to say that I'm a math "hater" when it comes to figuring out triangles. So glad that someone else takes the time to design the patterns I use.

Thanks for the chance to win at your blog!
AnnieO said…
There is a lot of math in quilting, which is sometimes difficult! Fat Quarters are a good size to play with, I agree.

Love the way your four blocks look like five in your mini. Thanks for the chance to win lovely prizes!
Bari Jo said…
If it is math for quilting, I love it - using graph paper makes it easier for me. If it is anything above Algebra 1.... I am lost! :O) And if it doesn't have to do with quilting, I don't want to do it! Can't wait to see your book! I love the way you work the rulers so that there is some to trim off to square up each unit with! Makes the quilting come out more accurate so the whole experience of making a quilt is so much more fun! I have your fit to be geese rulers and I love them! Found them through Carrie Nelson's blog and her tutorial and used them in one of her quilts! Worked so great! Looking forward to checking out your fit to be quarter ruler, too!
Sharon W said…
I love math. It has come in handy when quilting. Your book looks great. Thanks for the give aways.
Jennie P. said…
Oh my gosh, I love math! It was my favorite subject in school. I'm particularly fond of algebra. I mean it's like a puzzle or game to me. It was always thrilling to find out my answers were right. :)
Beth in TN said…
I am definitely a math hater. I think it has to do with the fact that I am a words person, rather than a numbers person. I am an editor and so I deal with words better than numbers. That's why I married a numbers guy! :)
Kathy said…
I do like math... it was always calming and straightforward to figure out problems in school. My rusty adult brain enjoys using a calculator now!

winterwrens at gmail dot com
Peggy said…
Great Blog Monique
Mary said…
I like math. I have a teaching certificate in math besides in Home Ec. Why? I don't know. It just makes sense to me.
Gill said…
I like maths! My youngest son is doing maths A-level!
I like math, I have always enjoyed bookkeeping and it is fun to look at patterns and break down the parts! What a great giveaway, thanks so much! Congrats on your book!
Ali said…
Math hater! When I hit algebra at least - I think a lot of it the teacher as I've had teachers who make sense and ones who don't for similar classes, and it makes quite the difference.

Thank you for the giveaway, I'm not surprised my quilting has been suffering from only have one 18" ruler!

Julie said…
I am a math hater. Thanks for the wonderful give away.
Lauradublin said…
I hate math and am definitely challenged! Great giveaway.
RSHudson said…
I'm not sure I "love" it but I don't hate it either. I did well in it in high school but I don't think it came as naturally to me as some other subjects. Loved Geometry the best; all those "if this, then this" statements appealed to my sense of orderliness I guess! I liked the logical progression of a proof. Thanks for chance to win! (marshudson at comcast dot net)
Marcia W. said…
math lover - B.S. in mathematics and post grad studies
I enjoy algebra the most. After I left the business world and computer technology, taught H.S. math. I used my mother's quilts in my geometry lessons then started making my own quilts. Thanks for the chance to win (I would use any of the 3 prizes).
Anonymous said…
I am NOT a math lover - that's why I married an accountant!! Love your book!! Jane E.
I enjoy your blog so much...and the book sounds wonderful! Thanks for the great give-aways! I can do the math, loved it in school....but only do it now for fun; ie quilting!
KMSC said…
I never was a math lover during my school years; however, I don't mind using it now, if my trying to figure out yardage for a quilt or how many strips I need for a quilt binding!
Quilter Kathy said…
Math hater...definitely! Had a terrible math teacher in high school and even though I liked the logic part of solving math equations, I just couldn't understand that guy!
NancyL said…
I more of a math-lover than a hater. I'm always redrafting patterns or figuring out how much fabric I need when I change up a pattern. Would love to win the book or the ruler! Thanks for the giveaway!
Unknown said…
Oh my word! I love all the quilts I'm seeing and yours is no exception!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway!!! :)
Kristin said…
Wow what a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance and I love your smaller project. Some times its nice to just get it done and small means so much less time.
dokiquilts said…
i volunteer at my children's school and am in the 3rd grade class for math time. luckily i can still keep up! i really enjoyed your other books and am looking forward to checking out this new one!
Sunnybec said…
Hate math because I am no good at it!! The best thing is I use to be in charge of the Finance Department when I worked in the Civil Service and then when I left the Service I again went to work in an Accounts Department LOL.....
Pati said…
I hate math! It was never my strong subject in school! I was a history person in school but amazingly, I now teach science to middle school children! Love your quilts and books! I NEED to add the second book to my library!
Chris said…
I think this is my favourite pattern - love your fabric choice

I don't mind practical maths but hated algebra - could never work out what the letters meant!

Chris x
Anonymous said…
LOVE math, I don't know why. I've always been good at it, and success breeds more success, I guess. Now that I think about it a little longer, I don't think that I cared very much for geometry, but loved the rest!
Amy said…
Love your book, rulers and math! I like playing with numbers and geometrical shapes. It's probably one of the reasons piecing is so much fun.
Ann said…
OOooo. I hope i win one of the geese rulers. I've been reading about them on nicole's blog and her piecing is always so precise. thank you for having the giveaway.
secinor said…
I'm ok with the math but happy to leave it to someone else! This looks like a great book! I like the way you tie all the fat quarters together with one main background!
Anonymous said…
I love the idea of a ruler that helps me make more accurate flying geese. I can't get consistent ones with the couple of methods I've tried. Thanks for the chance to win one!
Linda Kay
Anne said…
I LOVE math! Why? What a question - why not? It's part of the beauty that underlies all of quilting - the symmetry, the geometry, even the abstract resonates of conic functions and fibonacci! Aaaah, give me math anyday! Thanks for the giveaway.
Just Ducky said…
Lovely patterns and I so enjoyed seeing all the interpretations on other blogs.
Mary L.
Raquel said…
Math is a means to an end for me. Not my favorite thing to do, but necessary. I really want a copy of this book--love it!
Love the colors you chose.

I like (not love)'s coming in very handy now that I'm learning to quilt.
ytsmom said…
I've loved all of the quilts; the ones in the book, and the ones the girls made.
Ruth B said…
I love the grey and red combo. Really pretty!
Sewmaggi said…
The book looks like a total winner! Thanks for the chance to own it!
Joan M said…
Math lover (when it's working out properly!)
Thank you for the opportunity to win :-)
Unknown said…
Love these quilts! I've been eyeing this book online and I'm so glad to see some of the patterns included! I used to be great at math but now I prefer to have it done for me!!!!
Kristi said…
Math addict, I have to say. And now my children are too, poor things!
ThreadCatcher said…
I liked math is high school and still like some math but some higher levels escape me. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
sheila b said…
Love, ok maybe just liked, math. Comes in great for resizing blocks. I really like blocks that are 3 to 6" . Looks like a great book and what a fun idea to share on the blogs!
carol said…
I love numbers. I use Excel on a daily basis. However, Plane Geometry did me in when I was in high school. Who would think I would use all the geometric shapes in quilting. I am always amazed.
Patti said…
I'm a math lover. It seems to make so much sense. Very important to have that when quilting.

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