Quiltmaker 100 Block Winners!

Congratulations to the 3 winners who commented on my blog.  Here they are:

The winner of a Quiltmaker 100 Block magazine is:

Jill who said:

"We have a dog named Lexie. She likes to lay under or across my feet whenever I sit down. She is an English Springer Spaniel."

Jill, if you could email me, with you arddress at info@opengatequilts.com, I would appreciate it!

The winner of the Fit to be Geese ruler is:

Karen (Misiz C), said:

"Know what you mean about enough time for applique. If we only didn't need sleep! ;-) Your block is beautiful!

My fuzzy quilt helpers are the cats. From rearranging blocks laid out on the floor to weighing down stacks of fabric so they don't blow away, they are always involved. We have three. Cosmo, a gray van shelter kitty; Miles, a bronze Egyptian Mau; and Aurora, a calico se Scottish Fold."

And the winner of the sampling of Memories of Provence is:

Judy said:

"I am definitely a dog lover. We have a Bichon named Smeggel who is 10 years old. He was rescued from a puppy mill where he had lived for 8 years in a crate. He could only crawl when he was rescued. He is spoiled rotten now though! I just have to win this fabric, because I am redecorating part of my house with Provence fabrics. I love them."

One of the things that I love about blogging is getting to know people through there comments.  It is so wonderful to hear the compliments, the stories and the wonderful tales (no pun intended) about their pets.

Thank you all for participating and make sure that you come back to see what other blog hops, giveaways and surprises that come up on my blog!


kwiltnkats said…
Monique, I missed Friday's Blog Tour day, but had a chance today to visit. I sure like your block and look forward to getting my Volume 4. I have Kaos to keep me company most of the time in my sewing room. She's an Abyssinian 12 years young. What a character she is...living up to her name and breed 100 percent. Kaos' half brother Komotion (also an Aby and 11 years young) also stops in from time to time, but usually around dinner time and bed time. If Kaos isn't feeling involved enough she often times parks herself just in front of my sewing machine. Sandi

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