Quilts and More
Okay, you are probably thinking, "Wow, another post?!" Well, good things have been happening lately and I want to share my excitement. It was such a tough beginning of 2014 and I'm grateful that things are going better. Here is the latest. I was asked to be one of the designers for Quilts and More Scrap Lab along with 2 other designers. They gave us 42-10" squares of fabric and 1/2 yard solid cream and asked us to come up with a design, so here is mine: Tote This is what Sherri from This & That Patterns made. What a great little table topper! And the other designer is Amy Sinibaldi of Nana Company. (nanacompany.typepad.com) Here is her interpretation of the fabrics. So cute! The images were used with permission from Quilts and More magazine. 2015 Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved. Pick up a copy on the newsstand today!